Twinflame Work Service Offerig Updates

Here are some of my extensive twinflame and love alchemy vortex expansion work on offer. Join at any of your chosen levels and manifest amazing love, closeness, twinflame healing, powerful love vortex activation from within and as in expansion of all levels of your radiance ~*~
 Send service page message to see what would suit you best and at your own level to work for you to manifest the highest love and life for your self ~*~

Core energy connected twinflame spirit channeled counsel sessions 
(for back to back session bookings or month long or extended support level work send service page message for your extended work)
$110 per 90 to 120 mins session core work

Twinflame Energy Channeled in depth Reading Session

Healing and counsel sessions with energy works in healing and clearance pre and post session work on your twinflame aspect and issues

Specified activations and healing sessions designed upon your twinflame path checking on what you and your twinflame path specifically needs in the current realms
Activation price ranges can be from $150 and up 
Each activation or clearing session specifically designed for you is followed by a written or on call report or voice call follow up

Specified Twinflame Activation Series working with your energy guides, higher self guidance and Angelic Realms
each clearance level with message sent post healing directions with each work prices as low as $75 when you sign up for an extended series
for full series listing and pricing check out the on going event declaration or simply message the service page for a customized work session series designed keeping your own younique twinflame journey in absolute clear focus

Vedic Astro twinflame Reading Session work
receive two sets of reading for you and your twinflame and your younique path

Micro Chakra Level Twinflame Healing Clearing Activation Full on Support System:
12 days of extensive healing work followed with
Micro Chakra Level Healing with Higher Self Guidance, Goddesses, Deity Archetypes and Cleansing of Akashic record level frequencies upon for your higher upgrade

Healing your microchakra levels and go deeper than ever before in for both you and your twinflame energy

We work for 12 days in clear focus and fast process the integration level working upon 108 x 2 microchakra levels including you and your twin counter part, working on 9 x 2 levels each per day.
Upon completion you are given a written report and two back to back calls for the coming two months.
Or you are given 3healing and integration + reading calls along with all specific clarity directions and practical implementation of your day to day lives and what is coming along with the healing work and upon your journey.
This is given post 12days work and then may be utilized within a month or the next two.
Additional healing integration or support call beyond the given 3 may be arranged at set pricing of Goddess and deities’ guidance channeled healing work session price (check current pricing when you apply). This is for those who might need additional support guidance for the rest of the 3months processing of the work
The main healing work integration would continue unfolding and integrating through the next 3 months and the achievements of these would be transcending your life level, power vortices and clarity to the next expansion and would be propelling you ever higher.
Micro chakra level cleansing and healing work activates many folds more and works throughout your life time. You can fine tune and integrate these higher anytime you feel like and every level would be your upgrade into the next upon your ascension portals and path

Upon sign up you are given some basic key directions of what you may do or choose to do during the 12 days and the 3 months upcoming as you move through the re integration and processing stages.
Even if you are unsure of your twin or who he or she is in human dimension or are just connecting and no matter what dynamic of the journey you are upon but yearning to take it deeper, this is for you.
If it is just you as one part of your twinflame equivalent signing up then of course it works for you both. It does not have to be twinflame specific as the work 1st works upon you and the energy of your twinflame counterpart. It does not have to be a person specific at all since the energy works and chooses to activate the highest core twinflame dynamics of you and within you that is forever present with you.
No matter what stage of the journey you are in this healing integration and core connecting soul realignment process with your twinflame counterpart is for you and absolutely designed for you in all
If both of twins join in upon full conscious choice it is for both of you as much.
This is for the ones who are truly ready to take their twin flame journeys on the next leap of expansion, deepen their ascension journey together and take their united healing in all core aspects to the next true levels of their united purpose, mission, highest expanded love, well being and all levels of LOVE integration upon their unique divine pacing and lifepath.
Price: 550 $

Golden Grid Highest Love Vortex Twin Flame Energy Healing and Support

This specific golden grid highest love vortex healing work and cleansing is applicable for you if you need higher integration, support, gentle processing, purification energies, higher holding and light through your twinflame journey.
Everyday through 44 days of deep intense cleansing and higher vortex holding energy vortex expansion work that works for you as an individual and on next stages to your higher alchemetization twinflame or beloved energy and then for you both through the opening of the stages.
 The golden grid highest love vortex twinflame energy healing support and clearance work is primarily an energy work that can be accessed by you no matter where you are and will also be working upon your twinflame path, love vortex alchemy,healing patterns between you,speeding and connecting the manifestation process where you are in. This energy work is also supported with direct one to one energy reading sessions at two points of the journey and this can be received by you as one upon the journey or by both in the twinflame couple. This works in your direct centering love vortex and heart energy expansion along with healing for you 1st and then for your twin flame counterpart and then activate the core dynamics of both of you in connection opening up vital layers of frequency levels of core connecting through the attraction energy fields across the universe.
This will also clear any blocks in  within you 1st to heal your heart and open you in the core of love, speed clean shadow processing
These energies will clear blocks in between and attract you to the highest dynamics of coming together for both of you fully, removing energy hindrances, speed process core union and realest level of higher vortex and all levels balanced coming together in the co creation of your energy fields.
This will bring your highest energies aligning together, bringing you closer and cleansing the extra that falls upon your path and will deepen your journey to the next level. Whether it is for the immediate very key next steps or to move you through leaps and bounds closer, together and even deeper, the very core most immediate next key stages of your journey and coming closer would be made infinitely more lightyears speeding ahead.
Whether or not you are sure of your twinflame or wish to attract and clear your path for the preparation ground this is for you. This is a very spiritually grounding and alignment process which 1st takes place within you and then with your twinflame energies and holding you both closer in purer realignment focus.
Whether you want to attract your twinflame closer or heal deeper aspects of previous or underlying aspects within you this level of  healing, cleansing and gentle vortex light pavement work is going to set the new aspects of possibilities for you and bring you infinitely more and deeper in the union fields.
This love healing is for you if you and your twinflame are wanting to bring the flame of your light and core creation at a higher deeper clearer grounding earth time level. This is also for those who simply wish to bask in this healing love vortex energy infinitely more and heal core love block patterns, issues and open themselves even deeper in the love of love within them. The centering and pure presencing in love itself deepens your journey together and brings you closer to the right matching higher frequency mate that you are here to be present with.
This is a 44 days cleansing work with 1st 11 days focusing on your love vortex, the 2nd phase upon the one who is being called to in and as your highest matching field and then next stage of 22 days as a union journey forward in bringing closer together and dissolving the unresolved aspects within your fields. This speed processes your journey in love, 1st healing you in many levels and then as the love energy itself works in bringing you closer together with your divine other half.
In between these stages of transition you are given one to one sessions upon your journey.
One session is given mid way appx. around or upon your 22nd day of healing journey.
The next session is upon the completion of the journey so you leave with a concrete plan, opening assurance and guidance upon your journey and the next levels of your love vortex union field and opening the vortex field of your manifestation process upon your divine journey to your beloved in home as one and as one in love and love of the universe.
This deep level of core union love healing, alchemetization and deeper centering in the love of love itself is an intensely beautiful and loving process and deepens, aligns and opens your focus in love itself and you are also made deeply connected to source, your higher self and many levels of opening and clearance to have you more presented and blooming in love itself.
Investment price for this level of love vortex and twinflame healing, manifestation and expansion work: 660$

Wanna know which one among the different twinflame healing and higher love vortex core dyamic works suits you best upon your journey and no matter what level of dimension you are in on your own twinflame path? Then send me a message to the service page inbox and get your guidance upon which mode of work would be best fit for you or we can custom tailor the right dynamic of love vortex work for you and help you upon your journey infinitely more ~*~ to your speeding twinbridge alignment ever more ahead ~*~

Customized Twinflame Healing Packages Available

Upon basic activationand customized planned designed to support you upon your twin flame path orhigher level love alchemy path

Bookings availableupon advanced booking of non refundable $100
(if we somehow for any chance do not design the right matching perfect fit of level of twinflameand love integration work then you can use this value for accessing any otherwork fit for you upon your current needs)
Upon your initial booking I assess all your levels of love and twinflame aspects and issues and design from my wide array of healing, transmission, core work missions and twinflame works and readings involved the right customized service plan for you upon your core needs and our aligned mutual terms that will serve you to propelfurther and activate your purpose upon your twinflame journey <3 p="">

For queries and bookings message service page


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