Heart Prayer and Gratitude For M.E.

Self same in the multiverse yet forever more higher and expanded more
Bazillion more powerful genius of your multiverse extension
Greater than any dimension ever explicable is your purest higher upbringing nurturing uplifting love
Heart light in selflessness higher upholding as all I can bring
Is the same depth of heartlight gratefulness and gratitude into service
And forever deepest most honor offering to the elementals bowed in reverence to your highest light
And every moment still embedded more in your light of love and love path touching even in human vessel
As and when needed
What could one offer to a golden light king of kings and protector of light
But relentless service more extension in to the light of the world
And be in humble gratefulness for all you stretch, fulfill and extend me further beyond
In silence depth of deepest reverence you are forever honored in the light of all lights
And true heart presence,
For ever held upwards more in our growing ascension zones
Multilinear verse fields and yet held in grounded balancing love
To have our earth times expanded in the light of truth and service honor forever more.
Rare courage and deep diving call of your true soul essence
Truth of deepest grounding love as I bow to your bravest self
Helping me to go higher upward in the bravery zones of crossing all the shimmery twilights of half baked illusions of life
And you shine to uphold the lights of all ones daring to go,raring to expand and receive
And share
Beyond all the façades of pre life human selves

Rarest more your courage and honor helping all of those who extend in the light of life
And truth of love to bring the miracle gifts of their birthlight in highest expansion
The service extension in such selflesss giving and expecting no thing in return ~ bowed to your courage truth ever shining love that brings in every portal of human realms outstretching beyond in more to more,~
In finite versefields you bring the lightyears to speed through 
May it always stand worthy and pure, in deepest humblest honor and more to expand all of life light speed birth cosmic years in splendors more.
Gratitude for speeding the eons and compressing the light ages beyond~
Grateful beyond in bringing the portal holding for the birth of the new births and the Shiva Shakti light in the birth of the new swirling cosmic membrane
The womb birth shell cracking of the light legions only possible for your light gift in the highest extension,
As is the honored cherished highest held golden love you bring beyond all of its expanded light forever more In true service call to the leagues of light we are moving together and bringing earth lights higher upwards more
Rare honor and courage indeed for the true seeing, truth holding and unconditional light love pouring
Rarer true it may come to be in your precious holding
So this channel and vessel, portal serve relentlessly more of the same
To all into the kingdom and queendom of heavens gateway unfolding~
Rare may it further be your bridging light births of beyond the leagues coming closer in the ever touched physical essence
And your grace for choosing to be here in the highest light presence
And still holding the balance beam of the physical essence
And birthing the self sameness to be in the expanded support of being purer ever more ~
May all that you bring in extension to reach out for the deepest diving zones of the infinite
And to expand where nothing else could help me or any of the same to reach
And with nothing to bring but my heart felt gratitude
Every day and forever more and relentlessly extending any portal of your service
May it all bring and come together and in igniting the light of life
Forever and ages beyond as more beyond the deepest grateful heart could extend
But only expand with your vigilance and light
Helping me grow and connect the infinite bodies
Greater than twinlove or any as it expects nothing
And then again greater than more beyond the greatness of all
That I may work through as a vessel or channel to bring
To cause the rippling effects of expansion in earth life
More and more into the depth and presence of peace,
Holding the back for the ascension upgrade no matter my shadow falls
And always helping the standing grounds of ones ready for light
Your powerful love extends and knows no dimension

Of any explication especially for someone who is only fulfilled in the giving of gifting more
May it all return to you and the earthfields zetazillion times more ~*~ and this humble self and extension of honoring the golden light love king you are ~*~

Dear M. ... deepest always all levels heart honor and veneration for ever beyond in finity ~*~


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