Twin Directions: Loving from the Infinite Grounded Realms ~*~

For all of us here and many who are going through the distinctive challenges of the outward. I felt this would be important for all of us as re minder or getting off and out of our minds, and dive into our heart and spirit, call what you will. 
So here, hear ~do know hang on to your reins of love, your core focus on you of you and the love beyond all points of energy attachment in the linear, beyond all expectations and fears would you still love your twin? Yes, you would. Definitely and always you would. That’s what twin connection is and so these out er linear certain stages of crossing over in the earth planes are only transitional and temporary, the love will always win and unite you through and through. In your depth and contentment of core independent love you shall always unite on many verses and dimensions, that is always undeniable truth. So release the denser worries by and by and see into the fears and explore the truth of them, and the shining light of your heart beyond all will lead the way. You can never be apart or away from your twin in energetic dimensions. If there are things to be cleared they will certainly show up in the human planes and outer life reflection but when you explore the truth into them the crossing over takes place and then there is no fear, no pain, none of the ego relating. you are ascending in the grounding love and the forever truth of you and your twin in oneness and love will only take place further more and upward ahead ~ all love and strength to you, to see you all crossing over the stages of these outer linear frailties that come as tests. Explore and release the worries, there are great adventures to be explored into that. when you are fearlessly stepping into the heart and courage of love, the light of the love will help you transition all levels of the outward silly little challenges that may show up in the denser realms and soon you shall be so out beyond all of these and more and more you simply step fuller into the love. That is all that matters, for ever more we are learning and moving forth into this in our journeys, you see. Thats what the distinctive twin levels in our unique paths are all about ~*~
Also I felt called to share this, I once worked on many levels of twin energy works with a soul sister beautiful woman who was working to connect with her twin. The reading and every thing and all levels of energetic dimensions showed how powerful they were as twins and they also showed that they could be meeting in the coming months of the same year that we were working upon. I have great love and admiration for the woman still and i do call her my soul sister. However her "wanting" him and to show up exactly as the way her and our guides would confirm and all her impatience were greatly blocking her path. We all have free will choices, we also have big levels and leaps of transitions to make that are always shown when upon the twin path. The twin path is about growth and definitely all about all levels of our egoic resolution, the denser muck, worries, fear, all and every thing and our shadow sides if at all and all aspects of our human frailties get tested and challenged so we can rise up and ascend higher in the love of love. So soon enough as we do know like most twin connection in initial stages all her shadow stuff got triggered, she was constantly worried, incessantly getting obsessed and wondering about him all the time while losing her own core focus. Not only that in her fears she started sleeping with other men and while it is of course all upon our highest heart guidance to be or not be with a soul mate or soulkin while we are connecting with our twin and this must always be followed but what came about was she was doing all these things due to her constant obsessing and coming from an ego part and not of her highest self. I do know and honor her, and with my seeing do see all levels of her massive amazing gifts. However she kept losing the golden focus on her self, her core and kept getting into the dip of her own fears and not even trying to look into all the ego and childhood stuff that got triggered in her. She was only focused on want him now and why is he not doing this or that or showing up when all levels are so connected and seeing this for us. She failed to see that her refusal to see her own stuff and release the denser was a huge part in the role and also to allow the free will choice for her twin to have his own processing in his own divine moves. So even when many things align and we can see the portals of linear time focusing too much on the very neat details can so many times off trigger re union and also being too tightly attached means we are letting the ego and denser realms play out and that is not the highest form of evolved independent and yet forever core connected twin love that we are being called upon on the highest ascension path. 
So here again indeed this was a huge reminder and comes as obvious re minders to heart and spirit for us all any time we are being too much in the wanting, worrying and obsessing realms. These are human emotions of course and we all have to go through these but gently releasing and understanding plus exploring our unique triggers and aspects on path (we all shall have these plenty , each one upon our twin path as we are going in the next upgrades) is so very crucial and important. This only helps us to align in the highest and be our fullest most and be in the highest expansion and centering of love. 
The divine and perfect soul sister in the explication, she soon fell out with me and for very off and weird reasons and also lost faith in her twin. I wish her well but I saw what i saw and she was resonating on all levels and in her own divine intuition and following, for a long, long time for years even way before we connected and all that, just as all twins are. And yet with certain sudden triggers she just lost all trust, faith, her courage and very much dwindled into her ego bodies. I could not help her come out of it or see her stuff because she was just being too adamant and refused to see her own childhood triggers in face and there certainly were works for her part especially in releasing the denser bodies which were not that tough really and never not undoable. but her refusing to face them simply delayed re union and also her twin had his own processing and independent free will choices to be done.I dont believe they are together or anything and she went on a completely different path perhaps and had been in a lot of pain and confusion since. What comes true is that there would be many things and so often different aspects to be cleared especially if we see outside interventions or things within us are intervening what might be already seen and cleared in divine guidance and deep in our heart truth resonance. In your heart and truth you can never go wrong, never ever and you shall always be called back home and to your highest love. The more we take responsibility of any aspect of our own part of showing up, our fuller ascension, our core focus and centering in love, deepening deep with in the self, our higherself connection, life purpose core mission and all different levels of our parts we are also making it easier for our twin and uniting this love of love in earth planes. The outer interventions and energetic criss cross that do not want twins to expand in purpose, path and power to bring more love, light and balancing to earth will soon dwindle and go back in their track and of course diminish. Do know so often the denser muck that do not want twins to come into full on alignment are only coming as tests for our standing strong in light and full level of strength and in our highest expansion and truth, there will be no chance for outside interventions to delay or cut off the physical and fullest level of this union. Also all levels of our fears/ego bodies and denser muck gets and would be challenged till we are fully united in the twinhood in earth realms as with our full on ascension and heaven earth alignment. Looking into these things as adventurous wonder gates to explore in the light and cross over would bring immense truth and freedom, and speed process the union as it is   divine love and massive strength for us all. We do need this strong love, as within and so with the full on re union of heaven on earth in this world   i love you all and love to all of our twin selves ~*~


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