Top 12 Reasons You Could be Driving away Twinflame Love
12 is the number of learning as a teacher and master
guidance number of being the student itself. As we are learner and teacher in
our own principles both in the new paradigms since there is no specific guru or
mentor in the new realms but you and us being the both in the balance of giver,
receiver, master and student here in our core principles.
One. You are focusing too much over your twin, obsessing
over it, about the connection, whether or not you are twins or if you are going
to meet, when and how, having dilemmas and what not. Dilemmas and doubts come
from egoic dimensions if they are showing up to be such that means you need to
have the focus back on your self, love (1st self love) and then the
love it self and have your connection back to source. If you are missing this
source and higher self connection piece 1st you could be delaying
reunion. Though nothing really delays reunion and every thing is an expansion
of the lesson you are uniting in the fields. But this is indeed for those as
reminders who are getting into the overt obsessive zones. Checking in with the
best of multiple psychics and healers would not fit into the piece of the
puzzle unless you are fully aligned with your heart and soul. It is through
your heart and spirit and not through the mental prelims of questioning that
you finally meet and unite with your twin.
Two. You are getting derailed from your core purpose. Your twin
missionhood is very much connected to your together joined purpose on earth. It
is about highest expanded love and romance but it is also greatly about the new
paradigm extension purpose. If you are not bringing the purpose piece to fit
into the puzzle yet it would come down by and by in your divine union. The love
itself meets the purpose of course but 1st you have to be very
passionate and intensely focused about your own life mission. It is through
your individual mission that you then jointly expand in your mutual dreams and
missions together.
3. You are focusing on what others are saying and thus
disconnecting from heart or the loyalty and direct connection to your higher
self. A lot of times we are focusing more on others in terms of gurus or advice
givers, we are bringing too much energy to the fear mongering focus dynamics
that work in different levels of media. Even the best of astrologers, ascension
guides, your friends and well wishers would not be able to tell you anything
about your twin dynamics. Get back into your soul and heart alignment, come to
the truth of your higher self union and things will fall into place.
4. You are not seeing the holy re union as a complex that
activates and flows from within 1st. More you are looking for
outward validation like surface value aspects showing up or depending upon
egoic dynamics you are thwarting the process of natural flow of this level of
reunion that comes from deep within from multidimensional consciousness and way
beyond the peripheral 3d. The union prelims take place more through dream,
guidance, in depth akashic records level seeing, clarity and deepest place of
your heart and soul. Seeking validation or coming from the outward linear
dynamics of union placement is placing the wrong energy in the off places. You
cannot reach a twin dynamics holy union coming from outside in place but the
inner has to balance and match in alignment focus 1st.
5. You are seeking advice from straight forward old world
paradigm relationship teachers, dating experts, love coaches and what not. Again the old
world paradigms of dating however upbeat and fashionable it may come to be
cannot really contain the immensity of the twin dynamics. Same way the straight
forward relationship level of advice and core chemistry does not fit in with a
twin dynamics. You might meet him or her through a dating site or a common
friend or through social network forums but most likely your twin level
connection would reach out more beyond any of these usual old world principles
of meeting and coming together. The relationship too itself would be far beyond anything beyond your
wildest expectation of meeting the one and would not be able to contain or hold
any of the old world principles however new or latest or well researched they
may seem. Ditch the dating experts, follow your heart and in case of help reach
out to someone who aligns the ancient principles with the future upgrades and
able to clear see your akashic records and help you with the matching
principles of vibrational alignment from within out and from the
multidimensional perspective. Hire me as your twinflame guide and help and you
would never regret as all your old world programming and myths would be
shattered in bits to build the new kingdom of your dreams you would relish for
ever and live from your expanded paradigms of love.
Six. You are expecting your twinflame dynamics to fit in a
relationship mythos that is again the fundamentals of the old world paradigms. It could be the
idea of marriage, a relationship, a boy friend-girl friend partnering or any
level of relating that you might be holding onto from egoic or societal level
perplexities which would be shedding forth very fast indeed when you are in
contact with your twin or meeting the one. There is no way you can fit in any
of the old world regulations or expectations from how it looks good in the
mental or 3d or societal form in this mode of relationship but when it comes in
balanced harmonious blend (after all your shadow aspects and egoic mythos are
broken down) this is the highest amazing dream of a relationship that you can
ever imagine of. It is the love beyond your wildest dreams. There is and there
would be all levels of love and yet there would be the highest expanded
twinflame love. For every twin pair their unique semblance will hold the blue
print of their divine combination and no two twinflames are alike. If you are
worried about why your bestest gfs are all married and you are still on a
journey of meeting your twin or why you have finally met your twinflame and he
seems to be in a relationship or not seeing you, you have to see and dive deep
into the soul purpose dynamics of your own unique twin connection.
7. You are not working enough in the protection level and
spiritual lesson or truth behind the relationship. The focus is always going to
be on love however twin flame love also needs highest best protection from a
world that will try to put down this highest form of love. In various stages
through the testing grounds of the outward linear this protection level of work
is very important even if it is only you who is aware of the connection in your
twin counter part for now. The protection has to be spiritual, heart based and
also be founded in strength of the love, not again coming from the ego dynamics
of the fear mongering separation level kinds. Coming from such fear based
separation themes will only feed the hunger of the ones who are not aligned to
bring the highest union in the new world paradigms.
8. You are not seeing the power of the love despite the
outward linear reflection. The energy of twinflame love is enough to move
mountains, shake the ocean beds and create the new in the world. You can derive
all the strength you need channeling this energy into your love and you
wouldn’t even have to be in the relationship. The more you focus on this love,
the more it grows, the more it expands within you as well as all aspects of
your life, remarkably enhancing both of your situations as well expanding the
power of love vortex in the earth realms. Half of the work is done in just
expanding and growing through the love and allowing yourself to go deep into it
and channel its energies many folds more. This way the relationship it self
expands despite the outer reflections of what form or distance or shape it
might have taken in the human dynamics.
9. You are too obsessed with your twinflame not to be able
to flow into love with others. Obsession is the key word here which is a
blockage and does not allow your true love to flow. Love the one you are with
and love in the I AM principle of all of the love you are here to expand. Your
twinflame is as divine and as source connected with you in your true higher self
union as is the love with you and your god, you and spirit, you and all of
life. The relationship you share would be all pervasively unique and like no
other but the energy of love you share can be expanded to all and all of life
in all forms that you would allow to flow your self through. If you choose to
be completely exclusive in your twin flame relationship and commitment it is
totally in your highest honoring path and purpose. However being in twinflame
love connection or opening and awakening to such level of love means you are
flowing, channeling and expanding the energy of love to all and all of life
concerned as much as you can. Every day stretch and open up further bit more in
ways you can expand the love and reach out to others more, the ones around you,
loving the situations you are in. The more you love and expand in all of life
in your love, the more you birth and speed up the real time union process.
Ten. Not all of twin realm dynamic is meant for earth time
man woman relationship type re union. Your twin may be your teacher, may come
as your highest guide, your source connector, may be in another dimension. You
may be man woman but not meant for relationship type union, you may be meant for
expanding in your love through service and through unconditional support to one
another through many realms of walks of each others’ lives. No matter the stage
or unique dynamics of your relationship is it is important to understand the
core aspect of it, make peace with and move with the flow. The love will always
keep growing and expanding and you have nothing to lose. The more you try to
thwart the process of the natural life flow of your core uniqueness in your
twin dynamics the slower the expansion process you experience.
11. You are coming from a wanting or lack perspective to be
in union with your twin. Yes, its true we all go through this in the twinflame
connection especially and we all soon come to realize the abundance flow of the
universe in all and all pervasive aspects. If you are holding onto any false
illusion of lack whether it is in the form of dearth of love, abundance, life,
purpose flow or any aspect of life then it is time to break them down. Any
conditioning of lack dynamics in your nature will only be reflected upon your
love journey and twinflame path and will hinder flow. It is time for your
highest spiritual ascension and all levels while bringing the new heaven-earth
bridge alignment in this holy union connection. Your pre conditioning modes of
any ancestral or old world heritage will pose as blocks to this amazing all
expanding union.
12. You are not creating enough space in your life to focus
on your spiritual growth, self nourishment, true purpose aligned work and in
your energetic alignment. All these levels are core connected to your twin
dynamics. The more space you have to stretch, grow and align your higher self
soul mission in all and every aspect of your life areas the more you speed
align your divine twin union. Your twin union mission is about divinity
matching in all highest frequencies on heaven earth aligned paradigms. It is
the new dynamics of Shiva Shakti polarity matching frequencies and if you are
dithering on any parts or aspects of your self nurturing, true core grounding
self work, you are not having a solid foundation of this level of holy union to
take place.
On upcoming blog post how to counter act those effects of
twinflame love vortex and be on your big mission to unite and immerse in the
love of love and be a part of the flowing love expansion of life itself. Stop
obsessing over the mental aspects and start focusing on love. There is also the
soul star ebook guidance book that you will receive as freebie to sign up to my soon to be released newsletter and part of the many gifts that I am giving with the brand new site
launch. So keep your eyes peeled and follow the link posted and you will be
taken right along as a guide and assist upon your twinflame journey to be and
create the highest expansion of love that you are meant to be.
For highest expanded exclusive and personalized twinflame
level works on any aspect or stage of your twin dynamics get to message the
service page to reach out and bring highest upgraded healing upon your unique path.
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