Dreams and Re ality Essence Merging

[image credit: Gilbert Williams]

For me essence of what is real and reality merging from what is seen or experienced as linear dynamics is never static right there. Reality essence is always congealing, opening, unfurling and living in many realms in the multidimensional. And that is why this life in the human co relating becomes the biggest adventure in trying to align all of the energy bodies of the multidimensional spectrum. I know for truth that many of us do go through the stage aligning vortexes and it is so new in the field. In the highest level of crystal grid dynamics and opening core realms of such alignment these pivotal dimensions are all taking place in the new and new. Such paradigms of re ality alignment have been ancient known and yet birthing in the new in the human consciousness and our collective field all of the time and all over again. 
So there are many layers to it and this new birthing of the new conscious realms. Some dreams have been so real and directive in my experiencing that they have been much more real, grounding, presencing, re membering for me than most things i would remember in many waking days in earthly human forms. These y have been clear, straight, simple, layered and all kinds of dreams. Such dreams have been relating to clarifying past and showing future directions even when steps have been unknown and then again exact pin point factual aspects to that which i would not have been able to discern in any conscious waking term perhaps or wouldnt have been able to unearth in those ways have come through. I have read through libraries, shifted through the Akashic portals, met with my twin match, cleared fogs and confessions, resolved arguments with a friend, continued dialogue with spirit mentors, checked in the future with some of my highest guides, faced up with past lives of wounds, met with different paralinear lives and selves, healed and connected with others and cleansed records while processing through key dynamics of such dreaming gateways as much as receiving very exact super grounding practical notes, currencies and directions about many realms of earthly reflections through those dreaming stages. Personal experience in transition of multidynamics show the reality of dreams and in conscious waking terms can be diverse and what is real would be relevant according to one's sensing and clear seeing or what one receives as much as how much one extends to the fuller living of it. So the dreams or non dream phases or real waking ones, they all are different stages of being in the realms and according to one's relevant ways of awakening and staying present with the re ality of them as they would be varying to each one and yet connecting to one's ever infinite multidimensional realms nonetheless. And i do know many who have that experience of many lived experiences in their dreams coming as direct life changing, pin pointed information giving, directive, guiding and even more lived than any other aspect of waking up self in many terms. Clearing the memory gateways and silencing the outward in term of seeing what is just in the linear or what is taken to be as physical our outer reality in the world as projected (as popular means to what stands to be more real than not in worldly sensing) can help in deepening towards the different travel levels and merging with the astral and multidimensional self and the realms inhabited.
 In many such levels perhaps that is how dreams take us on and come through to us and we can be traversing the different realms and be more grounded in those life forms where most required through their guidance, transformation and experienced directions ... There is always so much more to reality than what any of us can experience in any linear perception field or even expanded terminus of our understanding, cognition or seeing or receiving and merging into it. At any level of course we are presented with the gift of such receiving expansion it only grows much more in the fuller forms as we keep being more and more aligned to source/all that is, IS and in the I AM principle extension and expansion of all of love.


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