Twin Guidance and Eespecially for Near Twinny Flakes ~*~

Checking in with all and as much of your guidance levels if you have such a strong hit of recognition with anyone else in so far and the strong presence of heart spirit opening and ever further more...
would you follow it through? they say any time you have a strong hit of knowing with someone they likely come as near twins. Especially if knowing is so very resonantly strong in your heart presence and there is a highest growth calling in joy and expansion whether or not you are sure of them as your twin flame. Your own twinflame you would always be clearly and astoundingly made sure of as you process through the time and there would be no denying of that ever. As you move and grow through it your divine alignment with your twin other grows further more and more. It is non separate from the core of your divine being and the growth of your fuller selves in the highest spectrum. Your near twin ones get you the stronger opening and often direct upgrade to your twins and help you balance out whatever is needed for you and in between to get upgraded in fuller on reunion preparation or greater opening with your twin self if that is what is your path. Some also so often have a deeper settling in more expanded longer partnership relating with their near twins instead of having a transitional zone it becomes parts of their greater purpose overall. Many on earth time deeper marriages are soulmates and near twins, the greater union of twin dimension still being a more prominent and as called for, more of frequent frequencies in current ascension dyamics of earth realms. Sometimes of course as each individual journey is unique you would be with your twins right away and other cases you would have foundational soulmate relationship bonds. For many to post some karmic aspects of bonds would also have to be experienced whether in terms of relationships or family karma ties and understood to integrate and fully divinely and all levels embody the purpose of your relationship in every core dynamic. No love can be discounted: whatever you are called to, deep dive into, explore and even karmically pushed into is here for you to help you integrate the lessons and further more. These farther more align you in to your core human dynamics and higher portals of love more and more to beyond.
Your own feeling intuned and heart spacing expansion would show you the way. every level of such intuitive recognition is an opening further in your twin connection and always for the higher upgrade in your earth plane dynamics and level of love. Whether its twinflame or soulmate or soulstar kindred, every wave of strong hit connection and however the come as friends, teachers, soulstar sister or brother in form of extended family or beloved others is a calling for us to step higher in ascension grid portals.
There is no mistake in love and only growth, so long as and to the extent as we are feeling called and birthed into the next knowing and calling to step into the higher upgrade, and deeper, this is the divine call for us to embrace and in full blooming spectrum.
Divine love and highest ascension love upgrade star path alignment is here with us all and all the more beyond in the ascension tuning portals. Here here now and further more.

Every stage of love is your holy birthing to the way of the beloved beyond more and every breath being a union with your highest Beloved: the god self, the god within you and your twin other. Each moment being a stage of the celebration of the love of love with your beloved and every stage of your relationship with life being a reflection of that love in holy union dimensions no matter what life presents itself at, every stage being a greater growth in that depth and ascension higher highest upgrade of climbing in your fullness more.


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