On Enlightenment

In earth time experience the word enlightenment is nothing but spiritual lightness of being aligning the highest living embodiment of all that you are and have chosen in your higher self embodying in bringing the wholeness of creation in your physical living divine vessel that which you have chosen to be. It is not something to be achieved or come to but that which you are at core in all realness. It is not something you come to doing just specific things. It is something you come to no matter what and through every step and being of processing, be it the next step of having a fight in human experience or doing something that feels totally out of your soul call or making love or feeling at bliss or in stress. It is something that is within and running through the veins of it all behind the mask of human rapid experiencing.
It is not something to be achieved out of the realms when and so long as you are here. However it is something that surely brings you more and more in step to the alignment of your true core self that keeps coming back to the center of you of you, in all lightness of being. You lighten up and are able to be present even at the denser most realms seeing the highest defining versions and purpose of it all while being present. You feel at one with life and love and all that is. You know you are living the multidimensional experience and the earth time is just a simpler fragmentary aspect of understanding this dimension in adventure and you are here to embody the highest growth of love all that you are here and now.
And you live in the lightening speed of existence, in the no thing being of all that is while having the physical dimension of experiencing to savor and all there is. Enlightenment is just being being, being who you are and being in the now and being at one with all of the universes and now no matter what shows up and comes up in the physical or outward and inward of you of you, it is all the same and being at one with enlightenment in all aspects.


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