On Caving in and Releasing it All Process

“It is very hard to live with silence. The real silence is death and this is terrible. To approach this silence, it is necessary to journey to the desert. you do not go to the desert to find identity, but to lose it, to lose your personality, to be anonymous. You make yourself void. You become silence. You become more silent than the silence around you. And then something extraordinary happens: you hear silence speak." — Edmond Jabes


Dance and walk with the dead and the dying, the dying ember of everything within. When in the dying and caving in process life gives you all the chances to be in the presence of the space of full creation. You are out of the noise of the world and sometimes everything outside hurts and comes boomerang to be the scare of the paradigms that society tends to follow. But as you open up with the unfiltered rays of pure presence something extraordinary happens. It is easier being a walking zen monk in the monastery but not amidst the bustle of the most crowded cities or a life of tending to and walking with the honor of death of some one you love (it could even be trajectory and not the physical sense of death but the real absence or unfettered attendance to the function of what could be possible, yeah potentiality of a relationship gone lost).
Or it could just your own upbeat self swallowing down the razor sharp becoming of life when it comes to the essence of facing your full blooming passions you are given the shreds of all forms of currents to swim with. Some upstream, some down but what difference does it make?
When you are at the high of the shores of coming home to more and more of yourself you would have to face the leafing and raking of all aspects of your loneliness, demons and shadows dancing in the tune of all natures. You will be thrown challenges more and beyond and would be asked to slow the tune or go with it. My idea is cave in, cave in enough to let everything disperse, to the point that all things that sense in and no sensing comes to the blinders and take a swift sweeping clean off your life.
If you are to let go, let go of it all and soon you will come dancing with the shadows, embracing it all. Heart cracks come floundering and there is ever more cosmic union to be experienced. When we feel it is the end, the death and dying it is ageless and timeless re embracing and emerging with the formless forms. There is no end but change of the constant changes. Death shows you in many parts and dregs what birthing really means from coming into becoming the more of your soul, all the parts you have been waiting for immersing in to experience in the human forms. We have been waiting to live this life through the many physical deaths, of thought, of beauty, of passion, or the planet, of relationships, dramas or falling apart, the physical missing or complete take off from the life of something we cherished more than ever, of dreams and creation and all of everything that we ever hold to be true and real. It isn’t cruel. It is showing how life is eternal and all connected. The mission of the all pervasive formless life forms is to come together in the cocreation, in the waited abate and full breathing of life. The new dew and dawn just like a perfect flower of leaf dancing in the celebration, the perfect eyes of the fly shining over the murkiness, there is perfection in it all. Dance in the beauty and caving in and you will be facing the realness. When all things fall through, let them fall through, hold to nothing and purely no thing and then you are not grasping or diving in for deeper understanding of the shadows anymore. There is nothing more left and like slow bleeding in to the sauntering alleys of life and death, you come fulfilled emerged with it all. Passion, devotion, realness, broken dreams and hikes into the abandonment regions all become one and the same. You are afraid of nothing as you come one and united with it all. To death into nothingness, we are here to experience the real silence of the in between and the all while living the simplistic yet complex little aspect of the pure perfection that life form gives us. It is to be treasured death beyond death, it is always alive. To the utmost creational spaces, we come back to experience this on and on for it is always alive from form to non form and all that is.

There are and have been too many times I have danced with death at many forms. Walking with spirits of by gone or understanding making sense, feeling too much and that of others’ pains not because I have had any obsessed raking or given up on life but have always loved it too much and at every stage. Not that always, though quite, it is the usual habit of the melancholic to walk in those territories but also to feel and come at one with the oneness of it all. And having seen and walked with all spirit forms and other sides, easy or not, it is just natural and all becoming forms for certain kinds who see the more and beyond and can understand the holding ground to the many we face in life. It is not one of survival or making sense but of celebration, of immersed breathing into love and loving to the ends and beyond. There is no end to life and that is all.
Living, celebration and coming into natural forms of loving is the most united blends of life that is not the question. For most HSPs, sensitive ones or more feeling-into-being-to-existence ones of course day to day worldly survival can be difficult and that is where a lot of making sense to work it out can become the more arduous task. When a lot of the world and civilization is a constant mask or hiding out to what is real, it can form a real challenge and hype up your senses for they feel as bombardment. More of caving in can be grounding. Often one goes through dysfunctional life challenges where day to day struggle can never be met and that require attention of course. However, the caving in proves however you may try to hold onto any thing, the letting go of it all and coming resort to your own spirit force, depending on nothing external, not any form of external means of living process means you have given up on the struggle for existence or survival. It means you have come melting through the fire, charred and shorn, transformed and then come out closer to the form your higher self was waiting for you to come uniting in the physical dimension, and you can start refurbished in the new. It is totally like new clean out and birth, not an easy process, not for the kinds to chicken out or who take a slow, shallow crutch to keep things together.
Keeping things together is more comforting and numbing out and that is necessary who among us doesn’t need the comfort? Facing all the ghosts and questions, doubts and mayhems of all parts of our human selves is something that has to be done to clear out all experiences of the human self. You want to make this your best aligned loved and highest life chosen ever, you have to give in to the caving in, no crutch included! You have to come to the bare depthless pit of the beyond and then you will meet your highest self at the end of the ghost tunnel. In fact there is none, but you have to go through what you have to go through in the facing of the all becoming into nothing till you have reasoned out into the heart spirit all union of the human experience. This is why we chose this one and have as much fun and joy as possible for yes, it is not always easy ;)


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