From Piercing Heart Cries Unending

What is it with ascension and humanity’s growth and spiritual development if we are not about to raise the bars in respecting, honoring, caring for and revering mother nature? Nature has given us our lives and we are here to honor, protect and live according to certain very ground level, simple, basic natural laws. If any part of ascension or humanity’s development is to take place we are to have it going through nature. We cannot have it going ending up with steaks in our plates, allowing poachers to do the horrible crime of slow decapitation of any form, getting to use plastics, rampant misuse of EMF, pushing antibiotics and vaccines, having leather and fur to adorn the so called fashionable, giving money to all those institutes and places which support the inhuman mutilation and carnage of nature, having abusers of children, mother earth and nature and women to roam free. This is a call that we have to take to task, to endure through the pain and conflicts they bring us, to move into the greater respite where solutions can be brought forth. If we are here and to continue and be in terms of human nature then these aspects are not to be tolerated and the longer we are here, we make the planet and earth energies angry with the lower densities of human frivolity to take place. Want and greed and the exploitation of that which is passive and giving, nurturing, holding and life imparting can bring the backfire of life till we have no where to run or hide. It is the greater concern that humanity must face and have to face forward. We have no where to go or escape otherwise. It is nothing personal or can be done from here alone and in the lonely parts of isolation but each one must take the responsibility.
What can be done for food, money, shelter or clothing or meeting the basic requirements is far from greed or having mass scale exploitation. We can do greatly with very very little and even if not little, we can make conscious choices by reducing consumption in favor of that which really partakes in alignment to nature. There is a choice to everything, there is a simple humanitarian and harmonious solution of meeting all our needs. Every craving can be replaced with something that works in a favorable way to nature and bring the balance of harmony. If people don’t wake up to partaking in these solutions and instead keep on mindlessly wasting on killing animals, poaching, mass trading of the child porn and filthy denigrating industries that point and make ways towards the horrible numbness on and on, there is just no way out. There is a limit to human greed and exploitation and all this carnage. the more humanity turns towards honoring loving and respecting nature and mother earth and all its lives, it is so simple... the better all things come to peace and balance, human ascension and creation of new earth as they say or we would like to see, it will come that way and no other way. And it is all so very very simple really and begins with simple enough steps on our part. This brutal greed needs to have a death. i know we have always said, through each one it stops and we do what we do in doing what we can from where we are yet it seems like we have been able to do nothing and it is still the same. in every country the govt. law and bodies ought to be pressed from every corner to have protection rigors made stronger. It is a shame to be humans and what an irony instead of honoring and revering nature, lives and all the beautiful animals we have to work in bringing protection from petty humans with their greed on the run.
The 1st and foremost is coming into alignment with nature and having nature help us, show us its own ways. Nature’s own healing systems and close calls begin through healing us, our minds, bodies and emotions. If we do not clear ourselves getting rid of toxins, learning, knowing and understanding the value the truth and basis of our own calls then nothing starts in any forefront in the world. The truth of all is having to start with clearing from our own cells, bodies, dna codings and systems, with having the right mind clearing, glands opening that connect with our heart and soul relating. Unless we align the heaven and bodies of our own systems aligned with nature we would not find operating in continued heart expansion. Nature wants us to be aware and amazing humans coming into greater awareness through all of everything. Our planetary bodies are not separate from our multiple astral dimensions and more we are consciously aware and relating to the respect of nature that we are meant to be, the more we align with the heart, core, level and deeper opening of us at every level. This is the basis and structure of foundation, this is the core from moving away from non human brutes attacking the mass destructing the earth to coming into be balanced humans with greater potential and level of full giving and nourishing values that inwardly and outwardly creates more of us in the eternal energies of pure, expansion of love.
The pain that we receive from knowing all the suffering from all around can only crack open our heart and open up to further more and can help us heal as well as bring balance in our selves through her own ways. Nature would always know how to bring and create the balance, we only have to be more open in our hearts and keep being in the being. While it is evident that only through the immense pain we feel we can only access the brighter sides of the heart field radiant healing and bring peace, balance and harmony through and within us all. If it is the piercing heart cries of nature, it is really connecting with the truth of your own center and being that cannot be refuted anymore. And you are being made to answer that call for the integrity of your own being. 


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