On Balance and Centering from the Inner

Many people work on balancing then inner and outer layers through different means, there are those practices and other non involved ones that grow over time. Some practices need to be pushed hard while others fall into their own nature on surrendering. What brings you to balance as you as an individual will be unique to you and unlike any other! If you are to follow a teacher or a pattern to bring that core understanding of balance it can only provide as a gateway with the external means. Like flexible muscles working on their own modes in new forms of techniques, adapting to changes, varied motions and tasks, there will be the constant call for evolution from within. All the balance that can be sought form outside is after all the balance form within and here in lies the crux of the natural dynamics. You are meant to be coming to that centered grounding points on your own means and you don’t have to resort to outer works unless called forth through spontaneous joy and calling. What brings you the balance of your own being is peace within and the outcome can be very different from what you take something to be as a hard task or something that stretches you from where you are. The funniest and odd places that your human dimension will take you to be will bring the more out of your balanced measure! There is always more to come from experiencing life while stretching out of our comfort zones day to day, each day being a learning experience, a thrill on its own, a divine taste of the new to savor. Coming from stretched norms to following the call of your own heart bliss and passions can be quite an uncomfortable area however yummy it may sound to be. The feel and taste of this exotic newness is a step into adventure itself and something that makes you understand of your own rhythms.
One of the easiest ways to bring balance is to ditch the clock work and world if you can and from time to time go into quiet caving spaces on your own to really dig in deep and find out all you are about, what your deepest aches and pains and measures are, what needs to be sorted out, cleared. Clearing a lot it seems is one of the key ways to bring in that balance and all the measures of the soft curvatures and ragged walls of the inner knowing. It brings in the new and new energies. Clearing cycles from time to time is our very big essence to bring that balance from inner quietest quarters of silence and breaks. Whether it is giving the body a break, or the daily rut or usual work or all together, the noise and sound of the world, people and talks, whatever it takes, whatever it maybe! When one gets to be quieter and more still within allowing such space to be regular and at forms in intervals, just like sleep it brings the overall balance of all norms and beings, upon familiarity of growing into one’s inner wild terrains. We are not one and uniform in our course of being, we can be wild and unruly and yet uniquely pristine like perfect flowers, with our own variations, needs and cores.
For HSPs or highly sensitive people, the need to understand and balance the inner comes from stretching away from the outer and well, this is what it is all about. The inner does not mean stepping away from all things really. But it means growing deeper into measures of that which makes your soul grow in silent knowing and sometimes just in that experience of silence, nothing needed. This can be come in many measures. A quiet sojourn in the nature and wilderness of exploring the reflections of the earth in healing quietness can be enough indeed. When we allow our inner rhythm to be understood naturally we know that all external means of balance are trite. There is no meaning to them unless it is about coming home to more of self. Nature and universe knows and has given you the perfect intelligence to come to your own biorhythms and harmonized self. All we need to do is sometimes take the crucial time to take away from all of that which goes on its own call and routine and then you know the true way of your wilderness within.
There are cycles formed and cycles broken, but knowing the inner and understanding one’s own bio meter and terrains in the realms within, what it needs and all it does not, all these come together in healing the deformities. The persistent call for what is not voiced or felt within can disrupt the energy current that you are both a source of and give out. When the call comes you into leading in long stretches where you do not need or seek another or a lead to help you come into balance you know in your being you are naturally in your flow. Coming to that does take the patience and known retreats into the self more than seemingly normal in today’s world and way of busy-ness and greater tender understanding for one’s self. It can also spell the art of selfish caring for going into spells of solitude can mean you are stepping away from your daily responsibilities and tasks but this is what we may work in becoming gentler with ourselves and doing what is crucially needed for the growth and harmonizing of all.

And the coming back routes to life from those sacred times within can be more rewarding and rich with eyes and senses peeled to the freshness and the calling. There is always wholeness to be experienced from each restoring depth within depth dived into the inner realms. One knows that balance is nothing to be achieved but simply slipped into and coming fully into one’s own self, can come through any condition or curve ball that the mundane nature of on going chaos can full bloom into the perfect opening like a designed flower of its own very call. One sees the pattern and stillness, being the observer and the one with the whole, the purest essence of the ALL.

On centering and balancing or the process of coming from the balance of it all within, for you are the source, the giver of light, the beam of that equilibrium in all transient force, as within and so all rounded ~
i feel centering comes from within, its a natural state. You are meant to be centered within chaos no matter what, in your all becoming and whole. it doesn't take any external practices to come there but often understanding your various energetic sensitivities and what effects you and how, becoming more aware of the different cross currents and the subtle or denser or lighter distinctions does help coming into balance if one gets off track or feels one is not feeling wholesome, balanced, centered. this can definitely happen in so many ways but the contradictions bring us more opening to awareness of our own expansive energetic field and so does the gaps of feeling off become lesser or a rather slipping into adventure mode process. Losing balance or coming into that becomes less of an experience where one needs to be centered but a natural effect through which we are learning from the adventurous slipping into the unknown because it is more like a rubber snapping phenomena when we are becoming more and more aware and surrendered into that flow. so when we are energetically aware and channeling through all our essence flow, i guess the feeling of off centers become those adventurous portals from where we only come out becoming more of us, come back as more and strengthened in the natural peace and balance that we are meant to be . opening up to one's true essence as with one's flow, into the adventure and coming back to BE the centered stillness peace love radiance at core, i feel that is who we are at essence. The external mind paradigms and so much non being or straying from essence or resistance to that really allows for such external means to come into showing not so much. But yes, indeed true essence reflection from something or someone will always help the process. always to go by the resonance too is important when we need support and help
~ ♥♥♥ ~
When you are in true resonating of being the balance beam through your grounding of heaven and earth you are literally creating thus and more so, as in the call for the centering or coming to that fore front from external when in need just comes from the reflected light of your beam and can be utilized to brought forth the call of the true light shining through from all of which you are, a clear and whole some star of your own accord ~no less and all more ~


  1. And also, that which you come to at the center of center most peeling back all and all that is being called for and then still more, moving all barriers known and unknown, you come to the unshakable sense of that which you know to be true. That foundation of rootedness is all uniting and embracing and is centering and can be found in all situations no matter. But we are in physical forms it self a waking practice of that, perhaps an experimentation of the greater to move into the centering from the waves and flow of creation and all that is being called forth to ... overall that which remains profoundly real and unshakable at core will shine as truth and that will hold the light for centering no matter the on goings. it would always come home to that ♥


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