Living Your HIghest Truth is Creating the Real Changes ~*~

(image via Gilbert Williams: Angel Falls) Every day i work in every way to make the quietest and sometimes the blazing ever differences in any way life and divine gifts as vested through me would allow me to do more so in surrender, service, work and deep work. This does not come e asy but comes from daily stretching out from your comfort zones in some way or other, daring to go and leap ahead, be endlessly immersed in my core passion for growth and expansion, whatever aligns with my highest guidance calls. This generally means not aligning to most of outwardly societal life or anything that does not core lock and connect to my deepest spirit-heart-love, natural raw celebration of life. This means i am the highest gleaner and soul purpose fire light bridger of passions and not going to be in sync with most of the out ward societal , not even most to most any on my own niche and only follow my highest call. Some say they are envious because i core followed things so early. Well, so ...