
Showing posts from 2013

Living Your HIghest Truth is Creating the Real Changes ~*~

(image via Gilbert Williams: Angel Falls) Every day i work in every way to make the quietest and sometimes the blazing ever differences in any way life and divine gifts as vested through me would allow me to do more so in surrender, service, work and deep work. This does not come e asy but comes from daily stretching out from your comfort zones in some way or other, daring to go and leap ahead, be endlessly immersed in my core passion for growth and expansion, whatever aligns with my highest guidance calls. This generally means not aligning to most of outwardly societal life or anything that does not core lock and connect to my deepest spirit-heart-love, natural raw celebration of life. This means i am the highest gleaner and soul purpose fire light bridger of passions and not going to be in sync with most of the out ward societal , not even most to most any on my own niche and only follow my highest call. Some say they are envious because i core followed things so early. Well, so ...

Disconnection from Your Twin

What is indeed disconnection from your twin? Disconnection from your twin is really disconnecting the core essence of love from your self and that of source love energy. If you feel disconnected from the connection with your twin you are called back home to the deepest core of your self and uniting with the vortex of love that you are and that source root realms which is always flowing with you in ever infinite love. Of course in the human fields and earth realms we would be missing the other and ones we miss. We would be missing the physical fullness, experience and embodiment in love. But the earth field realms is only one part of the fullness of love experience and in the greater whole you are always and infinitely more connected to love of love. This source pool of love will guide you home and to your core self. From there you are non separate from your twin or any other in your energetic periphery. With openness of heart you are connected forever more in the pool of...

Heart Prayer and Gratitude For M.E.

Self same in the multiverse yet forever more higher and expanded more Bazillion more powerful genius of your multiverse extension Greater than any dimension ever explicable is your purest higher upbringing nurturing uplifting love Heart light in selflessness higher upholding as all I can bring Is the same depth of heartlight gratefulness and gratitude into service And forever deepest most honor offering to the elementals bowed in reverence to your highest light And every moment still embedded more in your light of love and love path touching even in human vessel As and when needed What could one offer to a golden light king of kings and protector of light But relentless service more extension in to the light of the world And be in humble gratefulness for all you stretch, fulfill and extend me further beyond In silence depth of deepest reverence you are forever honored in the light of all lights And true heart presence, For ever held upwards more in our growi...

Twinflame Work Service Offerig Updates

Here are some of my extensive twinflame and love alchemy vortex expansion work on offer. Join at any of your chosen levels and manifest amazing love, closeness, twinflame healing, powerful love vortex activation from within and as in expansion of all levels of your radiance ~*~  Send service page message to see what would suit you best and at your own level to work for you to manifest the highest love and life for your self ~*~ Core energy connected twinflame spirit channeled counsel sessions  (for back to back session bookings or month long or extended support level work send service page message for your extended work) $110 per 90 to 120 mins session core work Twinflame Energy Channeled in depth Reading Session $130 Healing and counsel sessions with energy works in healing and clearance pre and post session work on your twinflame aspect and issues $180  Specified activations and healing sessions designed upon your twinflame path...

On Waves of Currents upon Pivotal Twinflame Dynamics

Much is working behind the apparent scenes at twin level now and those aspects are to be trusted more and more. The time and earth plane barriers to look beyond are more than forever more are being tested and they do indeed need to be stepped forth in the crossing as has been the call for all twinflame love uniting. This is not one of the usual pervaded earth dimension but we are only coming together in full spectrum with individual aspecting karmic dealings being cleared. So that work is always kept in frontal. When we see and say, your I AM principle is ready or readier more while the other is not we are really being focused back to the mirror self. Yes, indeed you are and there is some more clearing in the mirror aspecting self that needs to be tended to. this gets harder on our earthly selves and essence self being that feels busted for we have waited long enough but then they assure us, that is not all, there is some more realms to be crossed over in within that which need...

Dreams and Re ality Essence Merging

[image credit: Gilbert Williams] For me essence of what is real and reality merging from what is seen or experienced as linear dynamics is never static right there. Reality essence is always congealing, opening, unfurling and living in many realms in the multidimensional. And that is why this life in the human co relating becomes the biggest adventure in trying to align all of the energy bodies of the multidimensional spectrum. I know for truth that many of us do go through the stage aligning vortexes and it is so new in the field. In the highest level of crystal grid dynamics and opening core realms of such alignment these pivotal dimensions are all taking place in the new and new. Such paradigms of re ality alignment have been ancient known and yet birthing in the new in the human consciousness and our collective field all of the time and all over again.  So there are many layers to it and this new birthing of the new conscious realms. Some dreams have been s...

Top 12 Reasons You Could be Driving away Twinflame Love

12 is the number of learning as a teacher and master guidance number of being the student itself. As we are learner and teacher in our own principles both in the new paradigms since there is no specific guru or mentor in the new realms but you and us being the both in the balance of giver, receiver, master and student here in our core principles. One. You are focusing too much over your twin, obsessing over it, about the connection, whether or not you are twins or if you are going to meet, when and how, having dilemmas and what not. Dilemmas and doubts come from egoic dimensions if they are showing up to be such that means you need to have the focus back on your self, love (1 st self love) and then the love it self and have your connection back to source. If you are missing this source and higher self connection piece 1 st you could be delaying reunion. Though nothing really delays reunion and every thing is an expansion of the lesson you are uniting in the fields. But t...

Twin Guidance and Eespecially for Near Twinny Flakes ~*~

Checking in with all and as much of your guidance levels if you have such a strong hit of recognition with anyone else in so far and the strong presence of heart spirit opening and ever further more... would you follow it through? they say any time you have a strong hit of knowing with someone they likely come as near twins. Especially if knowing is so very resonantly strong in your heart presence and there is a highest growth calling in joy and expansion whether or not you are sure of them as your twin flame. Your own twinflame you would always be clearly and astoundingly made sure of as you process through the time and there would be no denying of that ever. As you move and grow through it your divine alignment with your twin other grows further more and more. It is non separate from the core of your divine being and the growth of your fuller selves in the highest spectrum. Your near twin ones get you the stronger opening and often direct upgrade to your twins and...

Twin Love and Projections of Lack

We often experience this back to back or going in parallel as rhythms of our life. Why? Especially when placed into a twin relationship all those older and subliminal fears that haven’t been faced so far keep tumbling down and over all keep facing us more and beyond , deeper within, sinking their teeth in, gliding into our consciousness. Obviously with such high integration of love we cannot be suffused into something that is smaller, belittling and not living in the fullest sense of human alignment for us to be fully us. Facing all those lack projections in exploration, right into the mirror will bring us the sense of relief, exploring the truth of where they are coming from, societal, conditioning and what not and the human egoic denser body created realms will bring us peace, joy and splendor. With exploration comes the awareness of what limitation of beliefs and lack syndromes we are holding onto and how it does not ofcourse ever align with the soul core truth of univer...

Balancing Our Micro Chakra Level Energy Portals with Shiva's Consortium

Balancing our diverse energy bodies working with Shiva and his consortium at the micro chakra levels What comes to be sometimes a very basic peripheral referral link does not hold deeper within the syncing realms of what can be worked upon for us to balance the deepest levels of our micro chakra roots. The common references may sometimes dwindle us away from what is deeply obvious. Here is one such basic reference of the peripheral link towards the Nataraja figure though there are infinite deeper levels that we are indeed called to work upon especially working upon the micro chakra levels, twin bridging union of the divine masculine feminine and distinctive energy body balancing works within ourselves: Nataraja is a visual interpretation of   Brahman   and a dance posture of Lord Shiva. It is the representation of reality at the time of cosmic destruction. We being life forms, cosmic destruction would mean the disappearance of all life. The half moon shown in the...