On Our Younique and Transitional Twinpaths ~*~

A thing about the pursuing or being passive or reverting to the age old dynamics of male/female polarities in love and all of life (this comes as a concern for many especially when they want to know about their twinflame path and how its unfolding whether to pursue the guy or girl or not etc).
For all this indeed for any step you take your deep inner highest guidance directions, your heart and spirit path is the light of the fire and not your ego bodies nor is it any supposed conditioning from societal or pre conditioned aspects of any dimension of life. Whenever you are facing any should within or without or about the relationship or any aspect of your work or any thing in life at all take a breather and space within and ask your self, whose should or condition or energy it is and if it truly belongs to you ever at all! As a fully complete and free, empowered being of light, as the god goddess ownership of your very core own self, would you be choosing this step in your highest power, accordance and ordinance? If that feels love guided spontaneously so then go pursue it or be still or do whatever it is that you are directed to do in your highest joy, freedom,love and inspiration. You cannot ever do wrong upon the path when in heart spirit alignment. In fact there is no right or wrong ever. Whatever step you take in your empowered birthing being and self in your directions is the very right thing you need in life. It will lead you to your highest joy and purpose if you stay open, aware, love present and fully opened to the highest joy possibilities in your life. 

With all that said and especially for those upon the twin path : life is coming to balance, the male,female dynamics in the new forms is coming in =s points. After a pivotal shift in earth time transactions of how we see the god goddess alignment the balancing realms of the divine frequencies in the male female dynamics is going to take place as within so without. This is very reflected in the twinflame dynamics so the initial stages become rough bumps as we work in the harmony of this polarity dynamics, the ancient truth of ShivaShakti union that we have always known from our core roots. So after that phase is over in the balancing portals, always coming from reflection of within and then without, we shall be in the very new paradigms of twin alignment and god-goddess divinity in earth time grounding working with all levels of the universal frequencies. This is always going to reflect as the unique journey upon our twin path. till that balance is worked and cleared upon in within our selves the life forms around will reflect whatever needs to come back in harmony. So we shall keep going through exactly what we need to learn through and overcome on the path ~♥ much love and gratitude and divine honor to you all. no matter what your path is in your younique highest directions and following do you shine 


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