Clearing Denser Energies upon Our Twin Path ~*~

For those upon twin paths ~*~ 
In the higher self and higher upgrades in your origin of source you are one and the same, part of the fullness of one another. Your reflections of the polarities of another and many aspects of your experiences in the human as core parts of intended connection for one another would come up in the human realms of experience. These are mere reflections of what needs to be healed in within your self and the other. You are 1st to meet in the wholeness of your self as one and can then only merge with the other in fullness of balanced union. So if one person is seemingly off track in something, there is also a core reflection of what might be a place to be healed in within your self and comes as a direct mirror at times. 
Claiming to heal and unite all levels of any aspect that shows up is pivotal. See gaps in transition or what needs to be healed in your twin union fields as a direct reflection of what you can grow within in within your self and into different aspects of your life. Also on the process it is important to dissociate from the denser or outer elements of energies that do not belong to you or either of you. Taking the clarity points in these separate fields and opening gateways for your full on core vigilance of energies and guided protection of energy bodies of your twin union are extremely important. This is a question of responsibility to your own life as well as to the energy of your twin, since none of these are separate. The moment twins take this responsibility in the human form, the disparities in their energetic dimension lessen up since the intention and commitment to self lessly look closer into healing of one and both opens the pathway to release the denser elements for highest good.
Upon the twinflame journey so many and many still are allowing inter co-mingling in the denser without sensing the highest importance of their true purpose focus alignment 1st. As you expand higher in your purpose light and your core focus in service to how you are divinely meant to channel for greater humanity, you accelerate and heighten your core connection with your twin and come closer to your divine most important higher purpose. This is an immensely important part of your thriving work. When stuck in zones in the different waves of relating in the twin flame journey, always focus in the greater expansion of love and your core connection to the journey as united with source, god, highest creation level frequencies and also keep bringing the highest work of your own true purpose back in to centering. Have the focus and love energies always transmitted in to your core purpose, independent mission and the love of love, as also the love united with your twin. With this depth of commitment to your soul mission and earth dimension expansion you shall be meeting in the highest realms with your twin divine union in the next leaps clearing the gaps very easily in leaping times. ~*~ 

If you are facing blocks and impending criss current of energy upon your journey keep building and having the focus on the full centering of love and back onto your self and to the full spectrum of love as expanded in the world. 
What are your deepest passions and true centering call in your purpose service? Keep doing them as much as you can and have the focus on your self back. Your passion energy vortex direction back to your self and your own priority will recharge you back by and by as also open the deeper answers upon your twin path.they would come through indeed and these would help you immensely in your amazing growth journey. 
Your own independent bliss living is as much important and radiates back to your twin and unites in the highest realm of integrated love. This is the essential most important thing to focus on especially if you are looking back to clear things in the denser human and karmic fields. No need to intermingle denser energies in human karmic natures and simply allow to focus, clear and release all that which is not in resonant fields as with energy fields around you and same with any situation involving your twinflame path. As you keep centering more and more upon your bliss joy path more flows in the vortex alignment and unites you and your twin in the highest realms and full on human reunion times too if that is part of your highest soul mission and journey in the current incarnate. 
Releasing attachment to all level of denser and focusing on your highest soaring love,bliss and energetic realms of the higher grounds is indeed most important as you move into the higher octaves of all dimensions of your living and highest expansion and especially as you unite the twin portals in the current stages.


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