Engaging Full Spectrum into Your Genius Selves ~*~

What is the best use of your energy and what is not?
Instead of beating your self about what you cannot do or be in competitive zones doing something you merely get on by , why not focus on the highest use of what you can bring forth joyfully more and focus on how you can bring the best utilization of your energies from those realms ~
It may take a bit of time space relocating aspects in human dimensions but stepping into your own rhythm and flow is vitally rewarding. Start by having the fastest shot screening of eliminating or as much as possible, down to 20 to 10% of things that pull you down or get you in competitive zones. Ditch them all by and by.
And to fill up your spaces of occupation keep increasing your genius vortex realms from 20% to 80% and then 200%. Dare we say so? Yes, dare to open and receive in love and keep expanding in your you-nique calling and genius keys.
What you are naturally born to do in genius spectrum may sometimes requires intense grueling teaching and practices, but you flow into your own rhythm easily, joyfully, spectacularly and in breakthrough dimensions. What you create in syncing with your natural energy flow will be divinely yours own and you-nique and you shall start honoring them much much more while also holding space and compassion for the same for others to flow into their own divine rhythm.
Leap into your power vortexes and get brutally honest about your joy and genius realms and keep expanding from there. All that you leave that does not resonate to your core essence vital dynamics will only create space for your genius to leap into natural dynamics ever more. After the initial turbulence of space adjustment and chaos things settle back into the natural divine cycle of all those realms that you are truly here to receive in many folds more levels and your new call into the rhythmic flow of your you-nique flowering bursts open through.
Need more help with your genius level creation of energy especially if you are struggling with high sensory issues, message the service page asap and see if one of deprogramming works is the right fit for you to commit 

Due to the physical dimensions of human embodiment of control mechanisms and programming our beliefs, natures and working in accordance to our highest powers, our deepest connections to our ancient most roots and ingrained truth and multifarious is gifts get hidden. The presence of them and their energies are never gone however they would not necessarily be encouraged in outward forthright opening in most of the mayhem and chaotic nature of human DNA programming and thanks to all those slip gap trapping mechanisms since birth. And so many of us have gone through entire lifetimes of such unworthyness non aligned action plays done more to more in chronic sequence with no respite. Our worthiness and deepest gifts are natural born but their expression and full fledged thriving living is not. With all the twisted currents of civilizations playing mayhem to our most obvious natural born imprints they have to be cultivated through daily practices and choices.
As 1st of what are the highest uses of your core defining energy vortices of genius expression and how can you make daily choices in actions and every moment step awareness to align them to experience the happiest and thriving life more beyond your dreams?
Do nothing but that which aligns to the highest calling of your soul, aligning to your greatest driving core essence truth and the deepest calling of your highest gifts. Say no to all things and aspects that which do not align to your core genius expression and your most important top priorities and passions in life and see how everything propels for your greater higher upon the path ~*~ Be a clear aligned clarity focused manifestors of your highest path and calling, a gleaner beaming light upon your true called path and you shall be forever joyfully aligning your self upon your source-god-truth-home and deepest unpeeling and calling of your soul. 
Need directions, practices and amazing power tune ups and energy works back into your genius source and your very own powerful vortex connection? Then call in for a complimentary action plan tune up session for Your Core Passion Vortex Coaching alignment work and see if this is the right fit for you to propel you into your higher upgrades. 
Or do you need clearance and Akashic records soul readings in depth or in a short snippet for some specific directions and understand your divine imprint and purpose?Then drop a message to the service page inbox and check for your self with the prior assessment if this is something you would deep dive into.
All processes are here to guide you and bring you every step closer to the divine alignment of your deep diving process through which you come home more to more to your infinite soul realm union and live your thriving passionate, purpose filled life every day moment and more ~ To your abundant, amazing bilss full life ~
Any which way don't forget to message the service page inbox and check for your self and see which of the expanding processes for you may take you to the next leaps no matter where you are. Any one can benefit from these levels at any time they feel and these would help them to propel them further upon their you-nique life path ~*~ 
In equal and co creating levels true sensing of honest boundary level of truth balancing love is always important ~ peace out and much love and growing times to all ~*~


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