Birthing Processes in Our Unique Stages

There are several small to mini big miraculous incidents in your own life that remain in the golden frames of delight in your mind, heart, space and open up the new perspectives for you in your living dynamics forever more. One of those stages that heralded a miraculous birth for me comes through some points as these. These are ones of many and yet the massive level of intense support and new space opening that came through is beyond explicable, all beyond words, expressions and the power they hold they still keep getting core nugget caught in the birthing paradigms of the highest levels.

I once experienced very unusual and small golden feathers in my bed when I woke up and middle of the night and just happened to turn on the light. It was almost all like a golden dream and as I woke up they still happened to be there and I kept them in my cabinet drawer. This incident happened 3 times over within a span of a little over a month. Some amazing miraculous support and connection deepened throughout that time, as i look back and especially grand openings upon my twinflame journey. This happens to be one of those very beautiful amazing spectacular miraculous openings and especially as twin levels were opening and grounding it self on more conscious levels. The series of 11-11 and all of 111 series would follow me every where. They still do. This has been my life all of last 8 years nonetheless and every aspect being literally embraced with 11-11 series. I have known numerology, kabbala methods and vedic astro all my life and also about twinflames, soul dimensions of our sacred selves and yet I had not consciously connected the dots in regards to twinflame aspects and twin relationships then even though a lot of crazy miraculous dimensions were going on including being core connected to my twin other higher one itself and many aspects of higher self openings.
With the feather incidents and that being so miraculous and many levels of my purpose alignment taking place in speed dimensions so many things were changing in parallel, it was just another wonderful crazy amazing miraculous sign as confirmation of support from my highest angels. More and more I would see orbs, auras, radiance, energy spectrum and lingering main aspects of deeper dimensions and higher body and energy aspect presence. These are things that are always all around us but we just fine tune and become present more or work with energies along the way.
So this was just one of the wee things and yet so precious, etched in my energy vortex forever. The golden times as I call it has started and opened new vaults of energetic dimensions and they would play along opening new vortexes more and more. I always thanked my angels, higher guides, our star octaves beings of light and protection and care vigilant ones, in amazing mesmerized love as I would experience this intense love-energy surge every time this would happen. So the feathers on the following 3 occasions would be beside my pillow on waking up. Once again I was woken by a wonderful warm feeling in the middle of the night and i got up and found them right beside me. Waking up fresher and with this love filled feeling in the morning they would stick around my hair and dream journals, notepads and all the pillows on the bed. I kept them inside and in notebooks and later in my drawers too where there would by then be a stack of these angel blessing signs as I would feel them. But these golden ones they didn't stay for long and vanished as they came as surprisingly. But that intense love, bliss and amazing energy soar is kind of always there with me. What they came was heralding these amazing golden times for me. By and by I entered the golden times as I would experience them and with challenges, off s and on s and so many things the golden vortexes keep expanding. Higher realms of guidance connections, entities, also showed that I was stepping into the earth and humanity time golden vortex serving as I was being meant to serve and this was the time. Miracles abound and continue growing with us this was one of the most unusual feather experiences I have had. I have never seen any feather like those and really could not figure out the source as such in linear mind and the surrendered in this magic love.
Magic and magical experiences follow us every where and they come in different forms. After this incident my twin connection deepened and every dimension of my reality changed. Time wrapped senses diminished more and more for me. The chronos time would not make much sense but bigger alignment to humanity time and greater timeless presence. The golden vortex alignment also meant I was to use the chronos time in very specific ways and not more. Every time there after I would be supported in some juice cleanse or fasts and it would seem a bit difficult there would be feathers following me and upon my path and even in perfect areas where no birds would be around. It would just be magical. I would find little scraps of words and notes around and from different aspects showing me alignment words, signs, confirmation from my twin and higher self soul guide.
All levels would be uniting me through these realms and in energy works, meditations, breath works, all levels I began connecting with my higher self and my twin deeper than ever. More upon more and layering stillness would be opened and so forth I would discover upon channeling that our mutual deepest guides were one. This opening dawn breaking time was also one of the breakthrough levels when I was working with one of my favorite teachers who taught me or re minded me all about my root powers from the star realms, the Lemurian origins, ancient lifetimes lived and lives in other dimensions. I also worked with another great woman teacher whom much of the world knows to clear my DNA field aspects especially with past memories.
More upon more karmic alignment fields were being cleared, they are still clearing in some silly small aspects and day to day life changes but these stages were most difficult. I have had a very tight knot karmic path especially regarding to birth areas and karma choice uptake in family but it became clearer and deeper still in more ways. Every day became a washing process and deep diving in the new. So it is like being a six year old or a new born and six hundred all at the same time.
My fields of energy vortexes began shift changing more and especially working with higher self, twin dimensions and my core teachers in the field who all held me higher in the highest love than I could ever imagine. They still continue to do so. The love I have received and keep on cannot be repayed along with opening vortexes of soul support family. There are things that are of timeless value and they keep growing beyond the million folds in starbursting light and amazing reality.
With the full on alignment taking place in stepping out and into our fuller selves, the greater aspects we realize the truth about our connections. Our star ones, our true real kinds who help us align the different dimensions, our soul chosen soulstar kins are always with us beyond all levels and this goes beyond the family karmic ties or the realms of geographical coming together that you may often choose to incarnate in a lifetime. You become more and more aware of your path, your purpose, you are more fine tuned in frequencies, you leap beyond the multidimensions, you have the human experience in the all perspective and nothing matters other than the sense of immortal self of life in all leveling planes and dimensions.
For each one their journey would be unique and inexplicably raw and real in their core unique pattern but so many little to tiny nuggets of developing aspects of these fuller becoming of our human experience become interesting points to share where we come from and what we are here to bring.
With all the love immersion that kept taking place I could only surrender more and more to the love, golden light, the void and spirit guidance, the ever channeling realms and deep dive further more. When you dive into the center pool of this love and energy there is no getting back but only diving in deeper. Of course one has those human moments, those baffling points of making sense of certain things, the mental judgments show up, the lesser denser in life can through your beam scales toppled in one direction or other. There are those quick shimmering illusion realms and embers of lights to be crossed more and more in love. There are those challenges grounding the multidimensional many folds in the earthly. There are so many things that are always to be learnt especially aspecting the human dimensions in core connection of reality for it is still a new birthing phase of the infinite ancient and the mere present. This heaven and earth alignment is all we are here for, it is going to take place in the immortal and forever beyond all transitioning of our times, beyond all forms.

What happens through all such stages is that the human experiences become more paced and we become less of the denser reality relating kinds and move through higher grounds till anchoring the purpose of our core realms. There are those toppling down and regrounding stages still and when surrendered to the light and the deep diving call we become more balanced or quicker. The karmic stages of bafflement gets solved quicker or crossed over or made sense through. The time grid alignment too makes better sense more and more in the human terms and so does the new earthly paradigms that we are birthing into. Solutions to multiple aspects keep pouring through and we cross over further more and become core aligned to our own new reality creation and the human fields away from the messier grounds in forms of lotus birthing takes the beautiful new blooms over and over again and it is all new birth anyway, every moment and every day, infinitely so. 


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