Our Core Intuition

Your core intuition is always guiding and giving you a clearer direction, a sense of assurance even when it comes as a warning. The feelings you get from intuition is always that of an opening, loving warmth similar to the connection of deep love and safety we feel. The body language of fear is very different. it comes in tight knots, with past memories or conditioning attached, constrictions felt in your throat, heart, butterflies in the tummy syndromes. We are all conditioned with a lot of fear which blocks intuition. Like working an unused muscle or tuning to an old guitar it requires exercising. I suggest start up with works like that of Judith Orloff and making practices like meditation, connecting with your higher self, writing morning pages,(i do a lot of coaching in regards to journaling and different forms of writing to get in tune with guidance) flow journaling, getting into activities that require an altered state like practicing automatic or proprioceptive writing, using left hand instead of right if you are right handed or vice versa, shifting routines, dance, new forms of work outs, EFT/TAT clearing, energy clearing, guided visualization practices, dream journaling and really taking note of dream resonance, their feelings, and a wide range of exercises help you to tune into that higher brain of yours. Then intuition really becomes your guidance system on a moment to moment basis. Thing is it is what we are naturally supposed to be. And then you see your gifts like the different clairs and even intrinsic talents that you may not have been previously aware of keeps coming to the forefront. Your life keeps changing and altering for the better. You are on continued expansion no matter what!
Body detox and getting intuitive about food and food reactions is also a big thing. So it is a practice and when you allow yourself to open up to these a whole new universe comes to you and you become clearer on what comes fear based and what is intuition led.
Also do daily affirmations in the positive on the opening, thriving of your intuition, higher powers, daily guidance, work with your angels and guides. You have helping hands, angels and higher powers working for you all the time. You only need to ask and they really propel your intuitive knowing in the most enormous leaps and bounds. And as you practice these levels of communication they only deepen further everyday. Overall go through whatever practices feel good to you, whatever you feel led with trust and love and flow into that. It is all a process of allowing trust through the diverse stages. Always honor your sensitivities and boundaries. As you open up with intuition you learn to do more of this but this is like the stumbling block many face...so this is really important to any path of opening up to the new. We learn all the time. As intuition is part of our nature, it is also normal to make mistakes. You will only be clearer after a mistake and just get up with really honed up senses and more powers. You will soon be able to see amazing clarity, distinguish your energy from others, sort through conflicting currents, see what comes from fear and what is real guidance, create better decisions and see what works best for you
 Intending these nuggets of clarification and simple pointers to our intuitive source opening helps you. If you wish to get deeper into any of these processes then let me know how I may assist you further with any of my services especially centered around development of your high sensory gifts, real life passions, callings and purpose filled living or even spirit directed readings, energy works, clearings and numerous other gifts of service, light and healing energies for you!

Mail aishwarya.dg@Gmail.com


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