Our "Dying" of Forms Always Come Full Circle in Love

Beautiful crazy new life this is~! Especially of last one month has been like a new opening to wonderful reunion of energies and especially with sun and jupiter moving to Gemini to accelerate various parts of our twin level consciousness and Christos grid light. I have been busy with healing works, activations at all levels given and as ordained, yet more with also new levels of love relationship adjustments, understanding and spontaneous heart births.
There have been all of sudden arrivals and bursting heart openness galore of late. This includes sudden arrival of heart blasting open kindred, love, new arrivals of amazing energies in the new portals plus lots of animals. Complete new understanding dimension with fellow kitty and his new arriving mate coming for a visit, new animal companions to meet and mingle and have deeper bonding with and then all of all arrival of our new puppy in family.
Its been close to 3 years now we lost Putu babe's mom and best friend, our Shonamoni angel kin and I would connect to her spirit in many forms and often through spontaneous regression. She confirmed me last autumn on her angel anniversary she would choose to come as a pup again but could not discern where. Two months back I saw in vision she had arrived and as a boy pup and i got exact looks. Scribbled through some of my channeling notes and i forgot about it but it was a good feeling. Two weeks back this boy pup arrived and I almost forgot about what I received in vision but he felt more and more close to her energy. Leafing back through note and I see exact date matches of how old he is (We know his birth family home etc and he simply crossed the street, walked into our place, hung around for a while and decided this was it. The parents and owners, came, he went and snooped around there for a while, perhaps had a talk and came back over here despite all odds and surprisingly enough every one of us felt he was this old familiar and just simply belonged here) and that the description of his energy, looks, and all that were exact! All this while since her mommy was gone, I wanted a brother for Putu and while many possibilities came, nothing clicked. The way they are together now, best of mates and kins and so endearingly joy filled with each other, I am sure its her back and I know would receive more in confirmation. He is so amazing and well settled and just claimed to be here so purely present, its mindblowing. We just got him literally dropped from the rainbows according to our soul choices. If one thing I can tell connecting from the other sides and our different soul choices of altering energetic forms including the ones with relative changes in death fields with altered shifts in our energetic relating, is that love is eternal. The energies change form but we never ever die, we keep taking different shapes and forms to lives in our multidimensional vast expansive being and we keep moving forth in speed vortex light to come swooping in our pre chosen realms.
Another thing from our passed ones beloved angels, friends, loves, parents, pets, who ever it is in out of the denser human constraints their offness or the only near illusionary human denser complex perplexities move from their elemental recognition since they are at a purer vibrating frequency having had the human adventure for a while. Through signs and symbols you would obviously be reminded and reconnected back to their quirkyness and absolute insignia imprints of their human characteristic nature. Besides the spirit realms have always had the greatest sense of humor. It is not uncommon for your dad's spirit to move your ashtray from your favorite place, or your ex lover throwing you petals right at the exact spot in the park where you met, your juke box going repeat play at a favorite shared score or your beloved puppy demanding at the usual place like every year before. There are endless things and most often we are not in trust of source light enough with separation through death or the denser relating form that our love and connection goes infinite and surpassing all of the human plane denser realms for this is only a relative field we are temporarily playing at. Yeah it sucks and hurts and the isolation stages in the human relating to death can be endless. In the human realms
The ones on the other sides or forms relatively not in denser loves you anyways. If you tune in connect and even if not in very obvious realms of the denser, you always have access to the multidimensional portals to connect, feel, be with them~ the relationship always and for ever grows.
All they want from the right other sides and in all forms is for you to be happy, joyous, experience maximum growth and love and do what and how so ever that brings you joy, highest meaning of your human vessel vehicle and immerse in the love for ever. In the higher spiritual dimension the off ness judgments or ridicule or any of the very obvious seeming human emotions keep dissolving in the light and only reaches the pinnacle highest point of supreme unconditional love light,pure potential and greater oneness as well as distinctive form of source expression. There is only purest of pure blooming love and their next distinct choices and chosen steps to be forthcoming for upon their path as in the spirit realms, the karmic shells of human life takes a fall through with only greater union to the multidimensional energy frequencies remain focused and growing brighter. A lot of cleansing, healing, balancing as well as decision making forms take place in these realms for that soul breath segment to decide on its next best steps to union immersion with the different callings to its energy fields.
If there is another thing I can tell from being on the other side visiting and accessing our multi level portals is you really cannot ever miss any form of love and you only need to step out of the denser equation linear constrictions more and more, there is such immersion of love and calling you to forever union to your beloved and all of love, so much more that there are endless possibilities in our surprising life paths and for ever unions. On and on you meet more again and again and there would be many different forms of celebrations through unions with your beloved ones. If it is upon your highest self choices, you are and shall be for ever more re united and re meeting your beloved ones and even sometimes for some karmic equations to meet, adventure upon and solve through together no matter the energetic forms, shapes and expressions you take in through all of these. What we see or witness as death and dying in the living vessel are of course energy changes and shifts are all the freesome,  funny quirks of our shifting forms and emerging more into the multidimensional source oneness process. It shows and gives us our soul freedom higher self choices to experience different forms of living and forms. Of course crazy though for sometimes the vastness of human plane frequencies are sooo astoundingly difficult and dense, why would be go through all the muck and pain and choose these one wonders. Yet again one also chooses for the great love in the human forms and vehicle, the amazing powerful enjoyment of earth field and its delightful amazing contribution one chooses as a pre selected astounding of gift process of merging into life and light.

 Every day more it feels like a lovely full circle union with Putu's beloved estranged mommy best friend and now dear boy pup coming home to her. I am so joyful for both of them and how stoked am I for these unexpected heart births and opening and as well as closing full cycle feeling sense in some way. I feel at peace as though I can move onto other things in life now and would have less to worry of my Putu babe if need be... and I am so rested in peace knowing whenever I am not with her, or my sister, Putu is never really alone. So yeah it has been a huge beautiful surprise for us all, and especially good for her. I love being a busy mom of dogs and kitties and critter litter among other things, just my kinda life ^_^


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