Our Star Root Realm Upgrades ~*~

On and on onto deep levels of focus and upgrades. so much is brewing through in the intense energies and day to day work. it is like no moment is spared of that now. how many of you have been feeling there or such opening in current times.at least for me i can tell it has been really very intense level all aspects... and some very surprising aspects in life to be checked, to bring into upgrades, clearing and next leveling. i know many extended in my stellar family ones are going through such as well. I would love to know anyone else's musings if they feel free to share or send me any message regarding their intense upgrades. i do know it only gets more and more so in upscaling as the last few months are here. and then onto the next levels it is coming through down the chute in a very high integrated path ~next stepping stones always ~ It is almost like before tomorrow arrives, you have outgrown the next steps and then super scaling the next to next levels. It is very har...