Our Star Root Realm Upgrades ~*~

On and on onto deep levels of focus and upgrades. so much is brewing through in the intense energies and day to day work. it is like no moment is spared of that now. how many of you have been feeling there or such opening in current times.at least for me i can tell it has been really very intense level all aspects... and some very surprising aspects in life to be checked, to bring into upgrades, clearing and next leveling. i know many extended in my stellar family ones are going through such as well. I would love to know anyone else's musings if they feel free to share or send me any message regarding their intense upgrades. i do know it only gets more and more so in upscaling as the last few months are here. and then onto the next levels it is coming through down the chute in a very high integrated path ~next stepping stones always ~  It is almost like before tomorrow arrives, you have outgrown the next steps and then super scaling the next to next levels. It is very hard to catch up with all things and yet this deeper leveling of calm and depth being reached... musings... ~ sending so much love to all ~ Each of my days currently and on through Nov. are working on with the multiple levels of energies, these very highly charged Goddess energy portal times too, like each year, but very different now.
It is like an off set of calm centeredness as well as balance beam of new portals opening up that are making us work hard and also keeping us stare right into face of what is off. The whole new levels of upgrades are multiple folds. I have been deep at work incorporating different levels of practices, intuned and as directed opening works, multiple ordaining of activations and rituals for self as well as all I am working with. More than readings or coaching works it is moving more and more into channeling and activations primarily. So much not just into healing and of course this includes the "healing" aspect if needed but it is more like we have to be clearing as much as intended no matter from a very rooting,grounding level. Else we would not be prepared into the new world. I know for many who have entered here before but for me now it is a constant upgrade into the new portals and every day to anything i look out or into in nature and even people and things around as well as situations and circumstances flowing, it is coming more and more all aligned in the new places of reflection that is taking us to this future world where the brick layers of foundations, in the very new are being founded now and now.
Everything is working in the alchemetization process. So i have the greater need for deeper quiet but also centering in every step of the action so that each part of my work comes integrated in the fullness of the whole.I am also shown portals of deep past rootings and all centering centeredness that are opening up layer to layer through the star seed ones and many of us from differing elemental realms. We are all here in this,together and doing our part. When I have been focusing deeply in the vedic realm works studying the elementals as well as our star root portals I have been bringing the in depth analysis making others "see" and have them truly seen for who they are. This level of work is now also leaving us no choice but to be opened and activated further more to our birth purpose in this realm, that is the promise of our star root systems to be brought in the new world and as unexpected ;) this is a very thrilling proposition for we are being pushed out of our zones to be more and more of who we are truly meant to be and doing the part of our plan no matter what it is we are choosing.
The star root realm readings and activation with our star portal systems really make us feel truly "seen" and honored for our part in purpose and this is indeed interesting and greatly relieving for we have indeed been forced into being through the oddmost circumstances in the world that make us try through the veins of being judged or made to be constricted to fit into the aspects of that which we are not. That is the old way of paradigms and we have been left for long like neglected and hurt children who were misunderstood or never feeling like we belonged "home". However in the new terms of galactic gateway opening what we are truly being reminded is we are being brought home in this now and new where our responsibility is to create the home as delivered through our promised realms. We are here to create this home anew and bring the active soul root purpose to our own multiexpanded dimensional experience.
As part of my star root journey is open up further and further more of the activated realms and purpose for all others included I am being directed to hold very special "star root realm" system reading and activation for all who are called forth to this. The declarations would be made bigger through the site and page as well and would be there for quite some time now from as of now times for I feel this is imminently large and important. While I would do per reading $100 in this system, I am now called forth to bring the special of 3 works in one for $111 !!! which is a very special opportunity to get clear in your true felt soul mission and star root realm family constellation understanding. This helps you understand your self and make you feel connected and in tune with your true mission like no other.
Plus,I would be holding a special activated ritual for the next opening upgrade of your path tuning into your galactic soul family. As with this activation you will find much much magic opening for you as you will be tuned into your true soul realm partners, conjoiners,soul families and magical helpers all along, the complimentary as well as same root realm members of your family to help you in your extended mission. As with one, so with all! :D
Next we shall have a wrapping up session where I transmit you the messages and next step directions given to you so you are truly ready or next level ready :D for your next steps in this amazing journey! Here to support you all the way and have you upgraded in the next concurrent for this is so crucially important !!! I cannot stress this enough!
I shall have this amazing opportunity given to you keeping it up for quite sometime helping as many as is part of my mission while integrating my own inner constant deepening levels onto the next.
:D Here is to your all win win winnership and more !
Contact me at my FB service page for now and leave your request for these powerful sessions till the next upgraded sites are up ;)
Or mail me direct to aishwarya.dg@gmail.com

I shall keep posting much and much on these very important works going on currently in our next level  upgrades. I feel this is crucial for all to know and have it applied in their portal opening on their next call of galactic mission upgrades. For those who are tuned in, they do know how powerfully this attunes them to their next level upgrades in the new and I cant wait for all of us to open and reach our full embracing potential while feeling home since it is the home we are all here to create.
I love you all ~as source beam magic portal loves you in finite always ~


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