Psychic Empath Octopussy Duties Embodying the Metazillionic

Occupational hazard alarms of greater care timely reflected by fellow psychic friend and just what I have had many experiences of, sometimes totally smack whacked into the massive growth after quite an energetic breakdown or drain out from certain experiences. These are things that have often baffled me but with each phase and my continued focus on the growth beyond the transition I find the greater strength in the centering of the being and it is truly immense with the infinite possibilities of who we are being more tuned in to bring the rebirthing of the cosmos as within and so without~
This is sooo important right now and especially for many who are opening and enteringthe vaults of their true power and creation. This is also one of the reasons why the balancing of realms often took me forever to get certain things done or be optimally function in many ways in the world where most of everyone i knew, even psychics and fellow healers included, would be doing effortlessly well in those situations. Sometimes I would wonder the raw and vulnerability balance with courage and beingness of one's own truth takes forever. But not so really. All it means is paying very very close attention to the all alignment of your inner being, doing majority of your inner outer, all levels of work mind body emotions, balance healing and clearing day to day every day as your 1st priority and deeply honoring all of your unique nature, qurkiness andbeing loving to your self as you would nourish a dearest tender bud. This also means not giving a fig to any of the norm on anything however unconventional or not so, but totally building your own on your terms. You have to follow the path of grace, allow,surrender and stoke the fire of your deepest clearest passions no matter what. The fire of the heart and your alignment and oneness with Source energy or God or the divine ALL or universe or whatsoever you call the oneness of center of life, is the one ness of you and you ness of your essence and you are no separate from that divine intelligence of the cosmic integrated whole as you are that and so you are all of that and more in your expansion and minute fragmentation of the human dynamic and yet aligning this vast eternal sense of beyondness as you already are. We are experiencing just a very minute fragmentation of all that we are and are further aligning to. There is no end to that and any level of further clarity would absolutely drive this point home to us more and more.

Back to certain earth level grounding work in my profession and the reminder from a fellow wonderful psychic, medium and healer.

"From a psychic perspective we can tend to expand our energy fields and open our chakras whenever we join with other psychics or talk about psychic things or read psychically themed books or watch shows with a psychic element etc. Opening up is an occupational hazard and it's a natural part of a psychic's MO. When I go to have a massage or visit with a therapist I am mindful of expanding my energy field out to embrace them and sense them energetically.  It's like being an octopus, my psychic ability is another arm that I sense and feel things with. So after the mediumship gallery I should have practiced what I preach - cleanse, close down, and protect. I forgot!"
Consequently these are what we deal with while doing a lot of work and often going out for meetings or even interacting with fellow psychics or not, sometimes the situation becomes inadvertent in and around with those of psychic nature. These things need to be carefully understood, with deeper rooting and clearings need soon as they arise. Tons of stuff come up and taking emotions and sensory opening like a spongebob without having  protection is a great risk and something we need to learn from in the most directive way. I find tons of great risks come out on surface when involved especially in such psychic meetings, fairs, gatherings and sometimes just spiffing the edges of the very energies even just on online communities. No small joke there and well, not being afraid to admit the sensory measures with all openness but it is not the work for the jeopardized ungrounded or the one who shies away from deep realness of growth in astute vulnerability of heart without losing the smartness of the work of balance beam in greater reality foundation. Not at all for the one who is unready to step up in to the all levels of core foundation that requires the not being squeamish to grow and bring into balance of the being as frontal focus in all expansion, day to day. The more you face these hazards or at any point or any level, the warning call is paying the deeper attention for spirit and energies are asking you to grow further to bring greater expanded balanced foundation to your beam of light. This is no ordinary life and far from being in the any means of the greater human crowd though larger part of it is to serve in the all levels of life bringing the wholeness and bridging of recognition in the delivery of the service no matter what it is you are being called forth to. This is also the greater route to break down all walls and bridges within to bring the concrete most foundation of what source wants you to be and that is the greater embodiment of source light stepping up as we are all called forth to be, but more and more so since you would be under the call of trail blazing light. There is also the continual practice of while being grounded to step out and beyond the human parameters and all essence of self to always surrender into the greater self. Quite the pivotal work in balance and maintaining the all levels of work in energetic expansion of beingness, invoking and experience all our multivarious dimensions in the tip of the iceberg reality even if at all possible while experiencing and enjoying the human. It is indeed the big adventure of all. Aren't we all in it? And yes, being in this profession or any kind of energy connecting work or even being sensitive empaths in any form of worldly jobs one is as said, in the forefronts, more than ever and more so now and now ~It is just the part of the work that a lot of us in the greater are being called forth to.When one is the in the pivotal practice or real deep inner work one is able to discern carefully what is mine and what is theirs, what is coming up and what is air borne so called and all dimensions, crevices and corners of these pitch points. One is also becoming astute more and adept in facing the mirrors of what is showing up, not all being reflection but sometimes greater clearing aspects in understanding of many levels of spiritual, material and all level of life truths. Even beyond the rummage of the coarsest of confusion and breaking down measures we can learn awakening from our feverishness and almost drainage systems being all pulled out, we are to and meant to come out deeper, truer and more rooted or energized than ever. Letting this level of growth and devotion to crossing and clearing at soul core truth heart alignment is what is going to have our foundations deepened and our octopus tentacles stretching out into the multizillion galaxies. They are to, as they are meant to be !

For the best utilization of our light and channeling the energies coming into ground our roots, cleanse and open our auras while feeding the juice of the highest of high vibrations and following the inner guidance, the warnings and calls are most important. These can happen in many levels. When very rooted and energies are flowing optimally nothing can shake our roots and these are great experiencing. The deeper we go the deeper we become and realer than real in all levels of aligned grounding. Other ways there can be trajectory involved and anytime this happens, it is a warning to step out and see where and what we are being, cleanse, shake, unplug and go into the realms deeper within to explore the fields in the foundation of clarity. No wonder most psychics,empaths and healers have to lead massive amounts of energy work, protection, self nurturing and lone time processes to recharge themselves. This is the deepest call most dont understand but the world need not be. For those with extra sensory measures, they just have to do what they gotta do. Deal with their gifts and attending to sharper resources of all rooting, care, nourishment, proper grounding, lots of love, isolated, nature and energy time, unplugging from all or any that doesnt serve us, no matter the weight of the world or pressing thing it be and doesnt matter for how long or if for keeps, it is just powerfully important !
in love and blessings ~ more on this upon, our deeper rooting, calls, extra sensory expansion and roots of being in the multidimensional spectrum as the oneness of whole in next postings ~


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