Durga Shakti 21 Day Activation, Healing and Clearing Work

Durga Shakti 21 Day Activation, Healing and Clearing Work

The invocation and Durga SHakti Activation for 21 days is energy work focused on you for 21 days straight soon as you sign up following the 9 stage gateways of opening new levels of Durga Shakti power invocation in you and around your field. 

The work involves in opening you with invocation with a welcome direction sent to you via mail soon after you sign up.
The next 21 days would follow in channeling energy work, activation and healing per day taking the 9 following stages of the devi power in your field. The 9 gateways would take place focusing on each on certain days. All directed details would be sent to you via your welcome report. 

Just as you sign up through your paypal payment (any other mode of payment on request only) your start up on the 21 day of activation begins. You will be mailed a welcome message with directions and upon completion of your 21 days of work yet another message to bring the united closure of this specific activation. 

The energy directed would be worked upon you with each level on the 21 days on given choice of my time. There is no need for you to be aligned with the time and all specific details would be given to you through your welcome message.

Throughout your 21days activation the following Goddess Clearing,Healing and Activated levels would be opened up to usher and uplift your way into the next gateways working with the following energetic cleansing and codes from these forms of Goddess Durga activated in your field. There would be rituals and dedication done along with energy activation with each of the aligning deities working on with your field individually as you are taken through each of the stages of the deep Goddess healing and activation work focusing on the 9 levels of the Shakti expression of Durga’s invocation done through these opening of new energy currents and vortexes:
Durga Shakti Dashabhuja: Focusing on your multidimensional expansion in your purpose and all levels of your purpose and power
Annapurna: Opening up new vaults of connecting essence with all of nature and abundance source in giving and bringing your greater next potentiality to be the source of your abundance and blessings
Aditi: Empowered in all pervasive divine mother and protector energy with creative vortexes opening with new energies of your abundance and creativity flow into concrete actions taken to the next 
Kamakhya: any heavy or intense past life or previous stages of fear involved. Be ready for karmic clearing. The energies of Kamakhya cleansing are not for the faint hearted. There would be no streams unbarred at times but we know Goddess would be easing through any blockages through deep clearing out as needed. We have especially noticed onion peeling and heavy levels of karmic family tie related or past life cleansing taking place. What results from this is you are left tons of steps ahead clearer even though the intensity process may be taking on its unique ride for some days after activation. 
Kali: for deep cellular and soul memory processing, cleansing, opening fire gateways of new clean out and blockage removal in your life. She is all about ringing sense out of chaos even while you might be directed through some more of heavy stuff. Next levels with her all we know is: we are deeply rooted and ingrained in our new deep rooting and stabilization in our fields. Kali brings in the new rooted confidence and active play of the inner wild eternal divine child brought out through you like all levels like no other. 
Shakti: Opens up the balance of divine feminine masculine work deeply and unites you to the next level with your twin, focusing on the amplified new openings of Shaka Shakti divine union 
Devi Chamundi: Gently and easily releases out old withheld energies and especially that of older buried anger issues while your new renewed vows to your self and your life are brought into alignment where you are directing the new energy in the right amplified way of bringing the actions meant right for you next. 
Devi Chandi: Karmic clearing of any anger or distrust or specific unhealed patterns of the divine feminine to release, free and bring in the greater Shakti balance. She is a pre assessor of the Shakti uniting all healing power force and is being directed as one of our greatest allies in the divine feminine and masculine healing
Jagadhhatri: All pervasive and rounded blessings of enclosure concerned so that any deep processing in the clearing is looked over in true, gentle healed levels. There would be nothing left undone in this process whichever deep level each one experiences. This is bringing full closure in the new garden of peace, abundance and your true self experienced as is meant to be for the highest good of all and your life purpose as connected with the ALL THAT IS. That is what Jagadhhatri is looking after here. 

This high intense devi healing focus would be given to each one on the call for it. It is a very intense, powerful and individualized activation, a power grid opening process like no other that will bring balance within and without. As we step into this powerful, know that it is YOU independently coming into your own power grid essence with your Goddess allies. I am here only being a simple thread, a midwife like a wire connection and you would only need this if you resonate with it in all levels, are ready to take into the new activated Goddess power fields in your dimension to become fully you, in balance and integrated steps for the next. You would be given layers and layers of opening in this direct grid with your Goddess and allies, the energy work to be sent would be introducing and aligning them with you in this healing, clearing, block removal and more efficient laden process that is PERFECTLY MEANT FOR YOU HELPING YOU MANIFEST INTO NEXT FROM EXACTLY WHERE YOU ARE. Each one would be experiencing the opening gateways and shifts into the next and they would be taking many times over as has been directed. 

Each year, every fall, all these levels of activations are an on going renewal process of growth for me and to be shared with only those directed and called forth in the readiness of the new becoming specifically. We are simply being channels and earth fragmentary assistance of co creative reminders here. Nothing is new and all is known and played through your higher source alignment. 
This active 21 days energy focus dedicated to you would be available at special pricing request of $69
It is only for those deeply meant for the process. The chart alignment of opening the gateways of each of your Durga Shakti energy levels, what to expect and what are to be done would be given to you at your welcome email along with introduction, slokes and dedication practices given for each one of Goddesses should you be called forth to use them or bring in your affirmation grid any time. 
As additional gift giving for those called forth further on, I would be bringing 3 direct on call intensive work in Goddess Healing or Clarity-Passion and Focus Intensive Sessions for those ready to take it up the notch of the next levels any time within the 21 days or right after for a an additional pricing of $99
Here we are in your team as joined co creating allies serving you to your highest opening degrees as the full god goddess united balance portal that you are meant to be. As we are bringing and opening each one of our truest deepest missions alive we are living the joy of the full existence more and more. ~~~With all envisioned new power portal activation of the balance of united whole that we are ~*~ in bliss ~*~
ps: goddess giving donation button to paypal is debanjan.brahma@rediffmail.com For mailed invoice request please send me message or for any payment related query at all send them to me 

And just letting you know~ i have been working and unpeeling with many layers of Durga Kali Shakti work with activated and ordained rituals with them since i was 8 and so this has been a very very deep long drawn process and i have worked one to one on deeper healing on these levels, it is the 1st time of course i am bringing this out at a level co ordinated like this.but i do know all has been divinely ordained as has been meant to be.this power portal at this time now, could be of no other. this is also a remarkable gifting opportunity to work one to one with direct goddess works with me that i have never done at such special giving pricing before. so all is fine tuned in, in flow and is purely aligned. i know for those it is meant to be now, it will be of amazing benefits and next level vortexes beyond The deeper introductry note will also show you the intense level of focus and work i shall be aligning with each and every day of the next two months, for myself as well as all levels of work included and especially meant for holding the space energy and portal beckoning for all those called forth to this deep level of work. thank you to one and all for allowing this space to be and become in our new birthing as has been integrated and coming forth ~ ~ any question or queries or any point at all, do send me message or place them here 

The special offering has been declared through my own group and service page only so far
http://www.facebook.com/pages/Aishwarya-Dg-Intuitive-Reader-Angel-Practitioner-and-Life-Passion-Coach/218291054855224. For those truly in tune with this call, it is meant for them only ♥ ♥

Message of queries to be sent to my email: aishwarya.dg@gmail.com
or  checked in with my service page ~ 

 Further clarifications as questions asked :
the slokes are chants for each of the devi shakti activation to work on with along with some specific instructions on how they can activate each of the devi power frequencies in their being ~you may or may n
ot want to use them. they do not get a vedic reading unless they ask for and i would be open to do that with the 3 calls offer as one of the calls to focus on the deep vedic reading and i know this would be immensely helpful to anchor our deity energies and align with our stargate root systems to know of our purpose, balance and all alignment power force that we are bringing in the current waves. so they receive one to one time,if they sign up for the additional $99 which is a very very special gift offering.my vedic readings itself are $100 per work session and they take me hours at a time to be working and tuning and meditating on a chart. so i am on a roll with these gift giving opportunities for i want them to have it all and more of what i have to offer in the opening times as these current co ordinance in our earth frequencies are so important!so yes, as updated one of the days can be a vedic reading done if they ask for it smile. the chart alignment i am speaking of working with the deity energies is your energy grid in the current times aligning with what devi powers are most resonant in your field,who comes dominant and who to work with.it is a work on your energy dynamics aligning with the goddesses as present.ask away more and that is meant for every body who wants more clarifications Also just to note, the activation event is the same as declared in my pvt. group. i have just reposted this in the new form to be able to have this out more. thanks everyone ~

In love and abundance and all expanded balance of powers seen through each one and all of you ~*~*~*~*~ Looking forward to serve those truly resonant and called forth in this in current times~*~


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