Questions Answered: Upon the Twinflame Journey

Certain parts of the blog would be focused on questions and answers as I receive from others in my practice, in channeling, while working with those who are called forth to work with me as well as circles of friends around me who in different layers are sometimes my direct teachers and loves and sometimes such pure reflections. We all have things to learn from one another while it is important to bring out questions and answered dealt through in my practice and work for there is a lot that the outwards and those connected get helped through. There are also those questions I cannot happen to have the time to answer individually and through forums but must be directed as my guides tell me through a common landing so that they help more. Also I would sometimes be guided to share through a lot of the same themes coming up on and on, in my work, counselling, coaching and healing sessions. This is to help all and bring more of help in all directions. 
So this is how I shall keep focusing more and more in my blogs and through the questions answered through here and in the different segments of the blogs so long as I feel guided to.

Each day there would be new ones to be dealt with as things come along and as and when I feel they need to be addressed to. I thank you all for being co creators in the dynamics and keep sending me your questions through messages and mail in private only. Your privacy would be kept and no mentioning of names here through the answers. It is only directed to serve our personal individual as well as directed to the larger whole which is crucial during these times now. But of course each one is as personal and as directive, as promised.
 So here is today's question and answer. May it help for those it is supposed to in truth and resonance:
What if I have met my twin flame and yet do not know of the full earth time union or if it will ever happen? How can you tell if union will come to take place or we are meant to be? I understand the spiritual parts and path of it but do not get to hang around the brain matter which tries to figure out when or why for our differences and obligations come to be too much in our separate lives?!

You meet your twin or your divine other when you have met and explored all parts of yourself, united and fully committed to uniting the god goddess union within. You do not have to meet all parts of it of course, it is perhaps humanly not possible and that is why come in twos or splits and then back to reunion meet up with our twins to complete our humanly mission taken in a current lifetime to complete in love that is of the purest, divine and highly elevated nature. It is one of the highest most love of all encompassing to be experienced in the human planes. To speak from experience and those on the journey, all do know this. you might have met your twin and come together but you cannot sustain the energy or understand all parts of one another or are readily growing in the dynamic nor have you really met all parts of you, explored and known all aspects of you and committed to your own growth and evolution. It is of extreme importance that you commit to yourself 1st 100% in your all levels of growth and it is about the surrendered growth of all growth that the divine wants you to be. You release yourself to the divine and there is no separation. You release yourself to the path and are fully immersed in service, devotion, fully at one in the love of your twin as all that is one. You will find your twin’s love to be your greatest drive, passion and muse. It will encompass all and everything. Be committed to growing in this love whether or not you know him or her, and with everyone you meet, every creature, work or challenging situation, if you can live and carry that devotional seed of love and unending passion or the love of growth, you will meet the other of you in reflection in live on earth plane too. 1st meet the twin within or in yourself. That is why most would have the experience of seeing them 1st in dreams or reflections or they have long distant communication for years till actually meeting them in person. You meet when you are ready and otherwise no go. You come together when you are ready and the universe cannot allow for such a highly charged and beyond amazing relationship energy to come to full union without both being ready and responsible for what they are bringing. This is special, the rawest and purest deal and yet not easy. It will break down all your barriers, all your inhibitions and challenge all parts of your human and egoic self to help you meet in all quarters of the truly lived divine. True, you will not experience such depth and intensity and truth in love. It is your true love. Doesn’t mean you shun the ones you already love or are committed to or choose to be celibate unless directions tell you clearly that you must or you feel you are more in your energy if you must. You grow through every step of your relationship and relating, good or bad and up until the twin union in full you are either clearing karmic relationships, learning and balancing through them with each other and in your soul path or record or you are growing much through tons of new levels of knowing through your soulmate, kindred or elemental source root friends or the same soul family ones.
Come what may unless you are fully committed to the growth of you of you, and uniting and marrying the god-goddess divine of the highest supreme order in all of you, you will not meet the other. Even if you do, you will not be able to sustain that lived love. It is all good though for this is the path of the highest good of all and the highest levels of love to be lived on earth dimensions, heavens and beyond. This love is endless. The happiest thing you can do is this: be happy in the now, happy in your growth and choosing no matter what shows up. As twins are yin and the yang of the same energetic soul monad, it is evident that what one does catches up on the other. It might experience some differences in earth time and many twins have tons of age difference to boot. Some might be in other dimensions while one part of one is on earth but there are always beyond all levels choices and chances of unions when the two parts are ready and wanting. You are non separate and one and that is the re experiencing of the one ness in love that you are to seek coming into the full potential and love of all here, and LOVE OF ALL THAT IS centered in god/source/universe/divine love/cosmos whatever you choose, your love is the greatest dimension of cosmic orgasm. If you are ready to meet all these aspects or just committed in growth, the other is doing the same or catches up or the earth time difference dwindles for earth time is nothing but an illusion created in the denser levels to create control and sometimes ease in the worldly senses of grounding.
You and your twin are always non separate and one and ever growing in love, and passion. When once you are aware of this dimension of love or have the inkling of them at a soul level, the all parts of you knows nothing but the yearning to grow, unite and explore all different dynamics of you to come closer into fruition. You will go through much of transitions and dark places too all of which will challenge you and bring you stronger and more real and centered in love than ever. You will find the true victory of love, courage and true consciousness in love out beyond mental paradigms all into heart and spirit rooted centeredness. This is the truth of ever more growing love. Whether or not you have met your twin, you will be on the path to fulfill your mission and as you keep doing so, there in your destiny you are bound to meet. If that is what your soul and heart craves for, your spirit knows it to be the part of the ALL and living in all of you, then you are indeed coming to meet in the divine perfect timing and nothing in no limitations of earth paradigms or the grid system can ever come into muck up that strength of purest of pure all of love, divine union that ever grows. In your meeting you fulfill the grander purpose of all in truest of passionate love and devotion known. The twin love is bound to sweep clean a lot of the dirt and misunderstood or unused parts of the human levels of love, compassion, understanding and clearing bringing much to earth that the earth fields have been looking for and that is one of the divine mission and purpose of this love that is to be manifested in these forth coming times especially after such huge earth shifts, the 2012 intense Venus transit, the entering of the 9th wave of the Mayan and so much more in all aspects of changes in all levels. We are here to break down all known and unknown barriers of love and bridge the gaps of the heaven and earth balance in union at all levels. This is the truth of the love to be lived. It is so grand, do you not wish to be all prepared for these at all levels and live your truth in love and bliss, and joy, no matter what shows up, work in your grand transitions and union levels, moment to moment?
It is through this perhaps sometimes preparatory challenging times you meet all dimensions and more of you, come uniting at the core of your truth and centering, open up all your gifts. Do know as you are, so is your twin. So as you do, the other is receiving or experiencing or about to catch up in the next or pulling you higher in the ones where they are already ready and prepared for. It is an honor and duty moment to moment that one must answer and rise up to the occasion. And then all the rest of the parts of your true god-goddess self uniting as within and so with each other happens when you are in full union but 1st be committed to the true marriage within and out and choose the paths, step to step in love that you are directed through in your mission and on your own very unique journey. You might relate to others in bits and pieces or hear of this journey a lot but yours is all unique and going to be so. It is for you to live and explore it at every part, learn and grow from it and be in ever growth in this love. It is not to be found anywhere else but through your heart space, spirit union and your commitment to your own growth.
May you be eternally blessed and blissful in this journey and come in the fullness of your true love union as all of us deserve nothing but that highest of highest love, in our fullness, happiness, truth and core purpose and passion. As we each grow and bring the calling of our highest desired love and destined path, we pave the way for bringing the most beautiful paradise on earth time creations.
So throw out the mental paradigms of old fashioned relating or the old world ways of works and how relationships function coming to the adventure of you of you, your own truth and the grandness of uniting cosmic love in all lived dimensions, human and the all.

 For your own healings, spiritual mentoring sessions, guidance, coaching and programs, do check my full on service link at the official site or send me email with your queries and you will be forwarded what you are looking for For my current on going one to one love donation basis event on your very own next gateways of twinflame love activation, send the service page linked through here a message upon your request. Also check out all the details of the directions through the event page. I also post regularly and take in your questions if you post at the event page or send me message directly. I would attend to them in my blogs :) You can message me at the service page here


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