Upon Tragedies and Shadow Self Reflections ~*~
While we do not need tragedies to help us show that real
call of life is love anyways, but this is how nature brings us closer home to
our realest essence anyways. Especially when each time any course or stratagem
in humanity growth and ascension realms or in the fullest embracing of our
selves if we happen to switch off from the truest embrace of realest precious
presence of love from any accord in life, these truth facing would be given to
us through all varying stages of life forms. No matter what we shall be held
back facing home surrendering to the realest essence of love anyways. We shall
be kept brought back surrendered more and more to the arms of love for ever
When tragic incidents fill up the different cords of life,
the so called tragedy interjections come as reminder to our core presenting
essence to truth of our indefinite essence. This is what love truly is.
Nature would show us on and on again that the core truth of
life is all about love and nothing could resplendently overcome that. So often
times crazy shades of those loss levels coming as certain remarkable changes
jolts us right out of our usual form of living. We are propelled further back
more in true real centering and what truth of life really is. We are called
back to be present more in heart directions and never take any moment on slap
dash granted nature and neither is it possible for any of our relationships no
matter how challenging or far from our envisioned realities they may be posing
for us. For each one the growing level while still in life form is all about
come home core centered to love, 1st within as with all and every
infinite levels. Sometimes core challenges and especially posing harm to
energetic imbalances may mean we are disconnecting from certain relationships or
situations and always going upward higher. It is so often the truth that the
highest level of love and releasing often takes place in unconditional spaces
of letting go and that must be allowed as truth for any relating.
The human denser would keep getting challenged on and on but
not that which is our core truth ~ that which is tragic and out beyond the most
obvious amazing, magical and coming truthful for us and even at the tip of our
manifesting tongues and then slipped into the void happens from time and again.
This is a core reminder of our strengthening deeper into core essence of truth
and love, that which is free and out beyond any holding onto anything out there
in the world sometimes inclusive of our highest relationships. Any thing of
truth never ends but they would keep changing forms in higher orders and help
us be core centered in our realities further more. Tragic incidents pushed in
by life, though most often not talked of or held as a taboo thing to talk
especially in terms of manifestation fields, is really the universe playing
upon us to have us strengthening back to our endless source pool of love,
truth, devotion, the never ending vortices of light wonder that we are.
Our tragic incidents do not ever disengage our powers from
core truth but it really is about aligning back our power full forms as the
source generator itself. The moment and days or months could be apparently
tragic with severity of loss sometimes beyond the comprehensible irreparable
damages that the human heart or physical self can bear to take a hold upon. However
moving into the center of these really shows us as source generators we are the
infinite vortex pool of love, light and wonder, not only for us but for the
infinite levels of all of life considered. If god source did not allow to find
fulfilling levels in deep within you, stripped bare and nothing but core focus
energy source central in your self, within, as one with all of life, full
level, there would not be so much of transformation and taking away of back and
forth in the outward realms of changes. The denser material world and that
which is peripheral would be changing anyways but that which is real and core
connected as god self within you and as without would not be devoid of the
truth as source frequency highest giver and fulfiller as well as the
overflowing one of the universe. From that truth nothing can ever be taken and
no dynamic realms is a loss ever.
For many other levels it is of the lower denser habitual
pattern to get into victim hood mode for any given period. It can happen for a
moment or even go on for days or months but snapping out of it is really
effortless and liberating beyond. Some get so plucked into the denser that
plucking them out seems like an endless traversing of time zones but then again
we are told more and more often to keep releasing the peripheral vortexes of
attachment and only see the other as their divine source portal beam of higher
self, their highest optimal potential light engaged in all levels of outward
reflection. It has been shown through source frequencies as within and so
without that constantly endeavoring to move our core focus for others in seeing
their greater light would keep on removing them into clearer grounds out of
their denser shadow selves. Or rather their shadow frequencies come into light.
So often in linear concurrent forces and adhering relationships when up front
or too close mix these become the most difficult situations to play around in
lightness. For energy muck ups it has always been suggested that we take spaces
like bounds of waves for in the space dance of shadow and light play our truth
and renewal forces are born. For all these levels and more, these interactive
understanding and balancing of the denser into light does take some level of
the dance that goes on in the human relating. It is all part of our chosen play
aspect upon each given role in our lifetimes beyond and more we allow these
spaces in between to come in lightness and clearance, soon there is no karma to
create but only service and love celebration upon our light path. We do know at
every peripheral level whenever the denser muck shows up we have been given the
joy ride play to come into our centering and have these levels matched up and
come home lighter, clearer and for our full liberated growth. No more are we
relating the heavier attachment to our shadow aspects or parts nor are we
engaging in those levels of lower denser realms. We are then always bubble bursting
in full giving and light, always awakened in the glories of heavens beyond and
brought forth on earth and human fields in steadier balance ~*~
Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct
your life and you will call it fate ~ Carl Jung
Not choosing the fate ride but pure conscious elevation in
co creating participation with the universal energies. That is real celebration
of life ~ All shadows and darkness breathed into life and wonder beams of light
and life. : )
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