On Moving on through Grace Winds

Heart is vulnerable palpable and empty making no sound like shaking the conch shell found at the lone beach. It is what one rattles on and on finding only trinkets of droplets piercing through and then nothing. It is hollowed empty and in the gloaming merging of the dark and the rays of the light there is that only cool feeling hollow empty shell with such details of rail road presence around it. One’s finger licks through the sand and grime over the exact souvenir of earth found delight. There is real treasure in the hollowed emptiness fulfilling find and it is one of great more promises and imagination to fulfill. There is so much more that comes unbridled in creation of promises that the gliding larks on the overhead can only bring some dream spell weave breaking of.
One sits more in awe of the resplendent beauty of the perfect conch in epitome of grace carried through the winds, waves and sands. Once so purpose and yet still full of pristine beauty and now emptied as a rattle with no sound from within. What purpose does it come to serve in the rest of the world except for adding to the merging self hood of beauty, just simply awesomely present? And nothing else still ever! What awesomeness does this very pithy intricate glaring beauty would serve for the rest of life for one cannot even use this as a musical instrument for it is too small. One can only measure it through the clasp of one’s tiny still fists and carry it back as souvenir from the beach, a mere reminder to one’s connection to the Sulis bearer of the creations.
While moving through the stage gateways in transitioning zones it gets difficult but more and more the path also feels clearer for you are always heart led in truth. The pain and immersion process however much and deep embedding they may be when heart centered they show you the real light of truth and there is greater freedom and joy surrendering more and more onto this when you are clear vortex centered. It also feels quite resonantly hope full even in the vacuum spaces most hopeful things as stream truth gushing of lights come pouring. Since you are heart led you can never be estranged far away from truth. Coming to points of acceptance over and over again in many ways accepting what is and moving through seeing more clearly than before, also the movement through blame points are getting clear. Especially if any of you have been wrecking havoc in the self blame realms, you know and please “be” surrendered more unto the heart path for it will never lead you astray from your core realness and truth no matter how difficult the peripheral journeys may seem. Coming to these stillness points those still gaping spaces of heart awakened truth have been most difficult, it is also not easy standing for a life long friendship or core connecting developing realness of feelings no matter what name you may keep giving it in the esoteric levels, in the feeling lands not coming together as one so often doesn’t feel real and keeps one moving into more opened vulnerabilities pore opening through the zones. Our believing and non-believing in the highest ideals of this while matters of heart or deeper relating knows so much more especially if you are a seer by gifts, things can feel obfuscating and complicated still in human planes.
Free will surrender but to how much? And then again we come to those cross over points where ultimately you are left barren to surrender to none or nothing but the free will of your heart and absolutely accept those feelings no matter what the outward world reflects to you. Free will surrender does not obviously mean the worlds will collide to meet your wish granted but it definitely moves on for higher growth and new realm mantling of peace. You shall be taken to where you are most abjectly meant for and upgraded into your higher levels of truth. No matter how much perfect secured in some aspects it has been it really could not meet the depths of me at so many levels and that is when you are required to shed pieces of the bridging for the new YOU to emerge from the clover of such slumber. To break free and once again come out crazily sensory like a crab out of the shell and step out to find your new rooting re emerged again. Whe heart lands are left open vulnerable you are really feeling as hapless like a sludgy peace of softest self about to be pronged thought as meat for the outer world... So where is home now and will anything respond ever to that level of reimbursing process?...

So long as growth takes place one really knows reimbursed in that sweet surrendering and so often more adventurous way of growing that one must leap beyond and especially beyond that which one held loyal to as home essence. Ultimately what comes to be truth in all realness of every form of relating: it is your heart and your source centering, it is in your light truth and forever infinite joy that you are surrendered to home and your realest centered calling. There is immense more freedom in this and that is always forever absolute truth. Do we not forsake it all and leave all cautions to wind and keep rushing out in the stormy passions and real callings of love? Well of course yes, and to leave once again more and more what we called to be the centering shell focus of home. For the home renews itself more and more again. So often and many times we are called broken open to be shell shocked out of our limiting comfort zones to experience and dive deep into the immersion processes of love. And ever so often we are called back again to find our core deep rooting in the realest most presence ever. No sooner than that in our deep heart truth following in the ultimate dredges end meeting of our realest essence we are held close once more again to our realest home calling, our truest deeper selves which is out beyond any projection from outward reality however close kin or out there that might be. This is where we are over and over again through earth times walking, forever and every day realizing our true home truth close in within and so that is centering full levels infinite more.
(image credit: Gilbert Williams )


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