Surrendered into the Womb of Hekate's Call, into the Null and Void and beyond ~

In thicket of the no thing zone of this intensely scary yet powerfully held zone of no thingness and the fertile womb of space centered creation, the trailing buzz has been feeling, experiencing and totally in the thicket of the vortex and yeah every pulse of the exact Golden Gate Bridge you are mentioning here, and all the teachers and resonating, close ones with whom i have shared these, yeah they say the same. not surprised at all and yet this amazing awe and wonder and i do not know anything at all... It is sweeping me over in this surrendering space and we have nothing to do with this, yet stay in the centered surrendered space of being being, being the source within and connecting with it, on and on, in opening, unfurling petals and embraced union with it as well. well, so much more and yet this simplicity at the core. nothing to be do and yet all to be, called forth in every dimension and particle of unfurling the true essence of the self and no less and only in the stillness or presencing more. it is beyond all things that earth planes have ever seen, for i feel it is going to transcend the sense of 3d might quick, like there will be the wall collapse and no more of 3d glasses required but then the changes will be quite uncertain cuz the structures are going to rapidly change and shift in many directions we yet do not know and won't have that steady handle on of course and yet we shall see, be connected with the new ones for when we are connected to the core and grounded in spirit and full embodiment, we would be doing fine and sailing through and well, yet with all sensing it is something beyond beyond all and everything that has ever been, in the new aligning the realms. ♥
Last couple of days I have had the most intense dreams. It was in Jan that a mother Gaia channeled meditation directed me to surrender more of the energetic hanging to my purpose. Not trying to make anything but truly coming into surrendering the ways to relate to it and bringing into alignment of the breath and awareness and being and living it more and more. Not hanging on to anything to make anything, to try to become any more… no, no way. Time for surrender. Intense, intense surrender and what came out of the practice, any way we can and we choose is coming more and more into the flow. I have had the biggest nuggets of creative flows and wisdom pouring and channeling through me. Not always for my use or purpose. For it is not about the self any way. We are all being conduits and vessels, being called forth to step into this new era of golden dawning right now.
And through these timeless surrendering on and on, through dreams and nuggets, all the journeying I made into the internal realms and astral dimensions and coming back here it seems safer and safer to be. There is nothing wrong, the 3d glasses keep faltering and then we see fine again. At least in the realms of where I am right now and on the path, this journeying is proving to be intensely more and more understanding and in true compassion. The real nugget of 3d alignment comes through the heart and compassion. When you are surrendering it is not through the mind knowing but living it through your heart that you are true able to come to the point of no sense lessness and beingness where you can relinquish all and feel fulfilled, at bliss, at total pure oneness upon oneness with love. I shall dive into the depths with and for love and never care. I could try it before but never could and hear in the highest spirit surrendering call, there is no choice but coming to the pit end of it all, the heavy unpeeling, the dechemicalization, the alchemical chain bonds of all past knowing stretched beyond nothingness,… There is no knowing or association of the familiar but only the merging into the no thing of growth. It is scary, dark and yet comforting, like your eyes are peeling to receive fresh love and you do not know the form but here in the womb of unsettling caverns of the rawness of creation, you know you will be fine. You know the dance of the dark and the depth, of Kali and Hekate conjoined is only part of the stillness. More of the sacred stalwart wisdom of Hekate now than the dance of the tremors set in by Kali now in the current though and in the incarnated divine cradle of Gaia, you know you will be fine. You know these changes and shifts she is inducing and aligned with her sister in the paradisical Maia, in the Maia of creation, you are all fine and all is being taken care of in the new gateways of the imminent Golden dawn. Did they say this was never to be here before or after, this is never to be defined in any glorious feelings or words or in its baffling confusions in its beauty of shedding and unlayering as yet with the dawning drawing creations of the new era of amazingness and light ?! No more of those any levels or layers of mental paradigms and it is all taking itself fine. The journeying has been difficult for those, trying or lets say even unexciting if any have been trying to sense or seek through the mental alignment. It happens to work for a while and then it doesn’t! why so? Well, the old ways are just edging off, the peeling layers and plasticine selves, they no longer work. It is not that they do not exist. They do but they just keep having a lesser and lesser grounding or foothold on your reality. They never did. We are just happening to realign in the moving moments of that further and further.
In the recent dreams I was called into the darker depths of the Hekate phase and the spinning webs of Goddess Spider Woman, the Cherookee old notions of her, fertile and deep calling into the connecting dots of the creation of the world within the realms took me inside in deeper surrendering. More and more through dream spaces, aligning, channeling, waking hours, yoga, meditation, living, learning, letting go, the discipline or the call has been this surrendering void. It is awkward, it is uncertain, it is scary, it is depth less and bottomless and pitless and never ending and yet the call is just one. And then further on with more dreams, the call of the one of the heart aligning, the call of the surrendering of the purpose has been more and more prominent. Like Mother Gaia came over asking and coaxing out, beloved one, surrender to the alter of the divine feminine all your notions of self. All that you feel your purpose is about and supposed to be, all that you and know not of, the doubts and knowing, all surrendered. What a difficult call! “Thought” I did and yet in the heart realms it wasn’t fully so. And then again what I could not fully surrender to, on and on, Hekate of the darker waning phase, the Goddess of the night and creations through the void, came over and took me in the sweeping graces of the pitless, never identified with before, dawning of this intense dark. No more of those identities and all the notions of knowing about the divine feminine, the knowing of the self, the purpose, the layers, the pitless unpeeling of the seeds from the womb of the mother fruit of creation. This pain, this anxiety, this love, this melting, all coming into this one ball and the spinning of the vortices, … being on and on. Mother of creations of the heart light melting and the surrendered spinning of the ball of the world and then the realms, well she did conjoin the tiny flecks and dots, to create the world at last, the denser realms and our elemental sources find it hard to fit in so much… and yet we have tried and to create and be part of this dance. Haven’t we tried for ages and ages with faltering steps, the unfaltering seeming perfection of the mental creations… all for what? All for surrendering in this grace dance and these moments, these times, these ascending coalition of the Golden Age?
Maybe… maybe not… who is to tell, and yet yes it is all here and now. …
And there through the dreams surrendering on and on, my divination tools were lost, over and over again. I was chastised, I was taunted, I was paralyzed and had to give up. My feminine essences questions, the last vestiges of any relating to the divine feminine self, I had to give up, give up to make way for something but that one thing was nothing but this endless void, this not knowing, this surrendered breath beyond breath and one breath. And forever again I was taken under the shelters of the wings of darkness, the Hekate blooming phase and all I knew was the pit of this darkness and she felt like the holy womb of the universe and the spin being already present and all rounded, whether one wanted or not and yet this surrendered stillness, this all knowing powerful eminence that all would be fine.
It just is fine. This darkness, taunting, the creation coming out of nothingness that one has no handle of and no handling towards anything. All the spin vortices coming to collapse into one another to bring this perfect creation, of what we do not know, of luminous dawning and yet still we do not know and yet still the only process is the blooming unfurling to the red flowering petals offered to the mother of creation. She is taking care, for the identity of the divine feminine through all of me, all of the surrendered Gaia is coming to be something more, something beyond what any of creation could truly confer. Even the Spin Goddess wouldn’t know, for she is blooming so unique in this surrendered Golden Dawn, her beauty, form, creation, dimension, never having been known before. It is truly very unique and special, such Golden beauty that is ineffable for it truly has never been known in creations before and is on the realizing processes in this birthing and forming beyond all the creative wombs of the zoas unknown.
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