Letting Go in Current Energetic Challenges ~

truly apt now, Metatron has been my strong guide on and on through these new changes and shifts ~ phew ~ stay strong in your center as you are shedding, gentle people of light~
The previos year end and this year has been powerfully strong for me channeling Uranus and Metatron energies on multiple dimensions and fields. They keep coming up in my channeling work, readings and all rounded. Uranus being high on Aries and in direct force with coalition of Martian powers, is bringing forth all the bright and luminous changes as well as difficult challenges in energetic dimensions currently. Whatever is untrue or not directed towards highest alignment is falling through in this coalition forces and that too with Jupiter shining bright in Aries currently. It is a time for new movements and direction into the world, the true ushering into the Golden Age and ascension into realms we had not felt otherwise so directly but waited for this time in history. It is a time for shedding and letting go of all those phases of trial and error that did not prove to be so worthy of our efforts or taking us to the next leaps. Those trials have all been necessary and clear stages of human evolutionary pattern. In the collective as well as the personal, as within, so without. And now it is time for truth and light and highest acceleration of all to take center stage. No more of hiding or layering behind shades of that which doesn't serve but taking it all in enormous embracing of the empowered individual. And hear this, the weirder you had felt in the past or according to the covered lenses of those and the systems around yo, the brighter is the call to shine forth your own unique light for this what is needed most here. The message is again clear to embrace the new paradigms that is being birthed anew with the falling through of all overt structures. As things fall through in the old ways, old paradigms, known faces and familiar fields, let them and call forth to the guiding powers of Uranus and Metatron, allow them lead in to your light and empowered selves in the new calls. They will empower and see you through, holding the hands of those who truly beckon them, for they are never without you but always there as and when you need and call forth to them. For extra support and light in the mission here they are. A snippet of Metatron channeling directed here. More towards this soon, on new paradigms, relationships and living your purpose full out and clear to create the new humanity anew ~
I shall be updating more and do remember for
Guided Channeling Sessions
Healing and Clearing Sessions
Life Purpose and Passion Mapping Work
Dream Gates Opening and Regression Sessions
Goddess Healing and Initiation Works
Self or Individual and Animal Healing Sessions
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This has also been posted here on my service page:
Aishwarya Dg: Intuitive Reader, Angel Practitioner and Life Passion Coachhttp://www.facebook.com/pages/Aishwarya-Dg-Intuitive-Reader-Angel-Practitioner-and-Life-Passion-Coach/218291054855224
As humans we hold onto so much, emotionally, physically and mentally. Every experience we have on earth is stored, in our mind, our body, our tissues. We are being guided today to realise that it is not necessary to hold onto and harbour such emotions that cause us inner turmoil, pain, anger, resentment, the lower frequency emotions. Our body is a vessel, of purity of love, of peace, this is whatwe are working towards as we travel on our ascension path. Its the being able to see things for what they are and to begin to let go, the human body is a vessel but not for harbouring negativity, its a vessel to hold onto the light so the work for us to concentrate on is being free, emotionally, mentally and physically. This is not work to take lightly for as we begin to free ourselves on many levels through linking with many different spiritual practices, whatever we choose that to be, Metatron is very much at the helm of this releasing journey. Fear not that which you may need to work through, fear not of how alone you feel at times and how you wish you could turn back the tides of time, be in this moment, for now is where the healing and letting go occurs. If you hold onto things and have regret or remorse, pain or suffering and cannot find forgiveness or wish others would forgive, do not harbour on to this pain, this emotion, allow yourself to rise up, lifting up into the light, knowing that you are being cleansed and rejuvinated, unburdened and released...now is the time for letting go, of the past, freeing up your vessel so that it may soak up the light,so that you may be free and to live lightly with love and from the heart. We know you struggle, we see this struggle and know that we are working to release you, but your part in this is your belief and to allow yourself to unburden, take away the weight from your mind and heart, allow your vessel to begin to release from many shackles of many lifetimes, when you are free, your wings will open and you will definately begin to fly, and feel weightless....we are not asking that you walk around in robes and chant OM! we are asking that you begin to allow these energies to assist you in your awakening, your ascension, and you can do it this lifetime. See past the dramas of life, the dressings and the pain, know that you are exactly where you need to be right now and although there may be lessons as you call them, they are there for your release journey. via Archangel Metatron channeling ~
More meditative snippets and on activation and power alignment of Uranus, Metatron and other prominent guides of current times, the ruling Goddess forces coming up in the collective in the ushering era and other channeled works would be followed in the coming days and times, as I have been directed to bring this forward to more of you and share upon guidance. I share in depth details for individual as well as collective messages in my one on one or small group channeling sessions. For details or interests, do let me know ! It is a pleasure and honor to bring the clear guidance, empowered healing and messages to those who would benefit the most from the activated vein of resonace and love ~
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