
Showing posts from July, 2013

Clearing Mantles of Projection for High Sensory Individuals

Clearing the Mantle of Projections: In my practice and self experience I suggest flow journaling, proprioceptive writing and dream analysis sessions to be one of the highest ways of clearing those untended conditioning of the limited self or the egoic ways. These hold the keys to unlocking any block to your subconscious patterning. That itself is a very liberating experience like peeling the onion layers of your external self to realize your perfectly aligned divine essence and get to express it in the grandest expression to the world. Those projections of egoic self will pull you down, keeping up your doubts and push you off path to realizing your highest potentials. Having a flow journal dialogue or proprioceptive clearing or guided meditative clearing to those untended parts of yourself will release the pressure and give you an objective view point of the projection of your ego or the unconsciously made conditions to living. This freeing is one of the greatest ways to...

Upon Tragedies and Shadow Self Reflections ~*~

While we do not need tragedies to help us show that real call of life is love anyways, but this is how nature brings us closer home to our realest essence anyways. Especially when each time any course or stratagem in humanity growth and ascension realms or in the fullest embracing of our selves if we happen to switch off from the truest embrace of realest precious presence of love from any accord in life, these truth facing would be given to us through all varying stages of life forms. No matter what we shall be held back facing home surrendering to the realest essence of love anyways. We shall be kept brought back surrendered more and more to the arms of love for ever more. When tragic incidents fill up the different cords of life, the so called tragedy interjections come as reminder to our core presenting essence to truth of our indefinite essence. This is what love truly is. Nature would show us on and on again that the core truth of life is all about love and nothing could re...

On Moving on through Grace Winds

Heart is vulnerable palpable and empty making no sound like shaking the conch shell found at the lone beach. It is what one rattles on and on finding only trinkets of droplets piercing through and then nothing. It is hollowed empty and in the gloaming merging of the dark and the rays of the light there is that only cool feeling hollow empty shell with such details of rail road presence around it. One’s finger licks through the sand and grime over the exact souvenir of earth found delight. There is real treasure in the hollowed emptiness fulfilling find and it is one of great more promises and imagination to fulfill. There is so much more that comes unbridled in creation of promises that the gliding larks on the overhead can only bring some dream spell weave breaking of. One sits more in awe of the resplendent beauty of the perfect conch in epitome of grace carried through the winds, waves and sands. Once so purpose and yet still full of pristine beauty and now emptied as a rattle w...