Surrendering to the Overrun Denial Process

When on the pathway true surrender to your desire meets the call, it is the universe meeting at your feet in wilderness. You become the worshipper and the worshipped in true soul liberation and there could not be anything more worthy than to meet your highest self in the innate and longing humanness for that has been part of the call why we chose to be here. To experience the muck and the glory, to feel things, do and experience and be be. Surrender to desire usually is the long awaited soul liberating process of denial coming in works from layers and layers. Be it the historical, anthropological and all the pre pre notions, the aspects of the balancing of the divine feminine and masculine and all that talks of the schism of the two or how to bring that balance of the balance in healing, comes in meeting of all our denied and repressed selves.

Usually a whole new vortex of liberation takes place. In the chakra energy body systems the energetic dimensions though all connected layer upon layer, and by golly, what thing is not, in the scheme of things, and yet the uniting revelation comes when you see the sexual energy vortex zone is the very same with the creative zones and also your money and wealth, earning and power negating in the grounding ways of the world, all things that keep you energetically flowing and on the go.
So what cues us in there sex, the energy vortices, money flow, abundance consciousness, the balance of giving and receiving, pleasure of all forms or the desires, the underground realms of the deepest parameters of self exploration and the flow reaching out to the dimensional forms that keep you on your calls and help you expanding further, are all connected to this one amazing zone of votex. And there you have the all opposing blocks to the flow, the denial, creeping in there and it can stop gate all of that amazing brilliance life force energy. The hara has really been the life force and activation of all that keeps you in full flooded force of your true light. What happens when we are coming in head on collision with the denial, it is like unpeeling of the plasters and you are allowed to see the raw scrawny shabby state of the building any way and come to face it anyways! It is like years of shuffling down the untended bills or the chocolate wrappers underneath that cover and then suddenly you have to houseclean.
Astrologically too all the aforementioned aspects of the self are located in the same house, the 8th, more or less in different degrees but the collected aspect of all the 2nd chakra stuff can be found in the 8th or the 2nd house of stepping into the world or out in the realms of the outer in facing your deepest darkest fears and also coming in terms with the underlying, the underground, the esoteric and the deepest inner calls. Did we say tantra and bliss of spirit call at the same breath? And why is money here playing that forefront too and also the business we lead or what creative roles we play in the outward. The whole another exploration of how the energy vortices and the houses and all the studies of esoteric realms, when layers opened would reveal the same core roots would perhaps take another day. Yet lets for now face the truth about the jagged edges of denial!

When undercover and long left unattended it would come in numerous ways, mainly conditions in the body mind and those are still apparent. And then the bigger part of the puzzle and that reality is not even meeting our full selves, our fullness, our realness, our depth and becoming and in fact not coming into the true call of our promised, rooted potential, the very craziness of the lushness of our being. What if all the answers that we have been seeking, the full spiritual union and ecstasy of being and breathing, all of these aspects lay at the end of answering and just saying the simple yes and call to all our denied parts of existence. The realness comes in facing in mirror reflection of all that we have been denying and claiming with the start, perhaps with the slow guzzling of all forms of pleasure we have been deny tripping, quite the antidote of any guilt trip that we could ever succumb to. Denial has all its downsides and countless embedded bullet points here to mar you down, your underrated annihilation and slow killing in the poison sea. Facing the charges and being brave enough and starting to claim what you are dying and aching for, there comes the true liberation path. In facing that mulch and all that has been denied to the real peeling of the selves, we tend and pay close enough attention to the core of what we have been denying. What is it that has been in neglect here and that is primary to the feeding of the soul? It is not the hunger, not the addiction, not the excessive this or that, there has to be a real pain of wanting something and that something is indeed good. It is good for the soul, important for the existence, the very breath and bone of the structure that we are. If there is one thing that we could take in true facing of life and that would be coming in truth of all our denials, all the rubbish that we have been imbibing into while neglecting the crude and raw or uncut senses. The more we face the core and core of the wanting, the addiction, the over indulgence, the cauterized and unattended what ever that may be, at the core we find what we have been part of the aching process for.
If part of all we are living for was moksha in the real sense we would be escaping life and living in that secluded meters of caves and jungles and yet even with that while conjoining with the air, and breath and having the forces to move in through the current human dimension and in fact, choosing that accord, we would still have an energetic connection with all that is which is out of question. Not that we cannot run and be off into the forests for all our lives into eternity and we sure can and even then, we would still be having some kind of an attainment, perhaps Samadhi, perhaps eternity in stillness or something working in terms of energetic balancing. And so as long as there is life, there would be the flow, and there is the energetic call and there it always is. Yet at the thick and center of it when you are down and about being the rest and beyond, you are just called to being being and then you also come to junctures of facing any thing unhidden or untruth or untended to in order to claim the full self and all authenticated parts of the real pure raw expression. It is about feeling the feelings, feeling it all and not numbing any and coming in terms with all acceptance. Accepting the moment becomes the challenge and hence with all the attainment of being in the now and liberated and in the present, presencing the mind or stillness and all that jazz. Not that these are any bit too more pristine for us all or unattainable but what if we just for a moment sat with the stillness of the pain that we are in, let the fire of the unacceptable be called within, let the denial, the indecisiveness, the hyperventilated, the unanswered, the frustrated, and the maddening to really just sit with us in the present, in the feeling and no denial, that would really be the short call to truth of facing it all in deed and all of existence within us. And when we have been given true soul creative liberties and upon our own choice of being in the life force, in fact, I feel this is quite the call to accept the truth and independence always present within.

When part of the path meets you coming to be shown as part of your own all along and yet you have sought down to the worm holes of the centuries before to have come to even a fraction of that revelation, you are no less, feeling the worshipped call of the beloved that you are,of the universe. The near unborn child/woman/no thing, that you were denying, is the guru and teacher of you of you in the becoming and in the next revelations of you.
In fact you are not born, you just claim unclaimed parts of you as part of your true divine cosmos vested mission. All the parts of the cosmic alignment, the stars and the realms beyond that have been in perfect harmony to follow the system of the ages and ages of divinely delegated perfection beyond all that changes and shines forth, comes clean in the greatest dimensions for breathing out each sparkling breath of life to life beyond, formed that very essence of you and why should you be on denial?
Denial and removing a huge chunk of it blows out clean the flow and the burden of the dogmatic, the unclean or the unruly and those become the unborn parts of you waiting to be rebirthed on and on. When we have faced on and on parts of problems with sexuality, with acceptance, with earning enough, with having anything to do with creative blockages or losing of passion in life, it is usually the formative chunk of denial in one way or the other had taken its firm hard grip. Sometimes we have been just cereal fed on denial since birth. Everything from the tv to the shocking numbing chemical reaction, to school and parenting all have been on the foundation of denial of that which is good to the soul and thus to the unattended wilderness of the true perfection of the imperfect geniuses of what we are. We attend to control mechanism and really the key is not about any kind of liberation within or soul attendance or spiritual platitude but it is about freeing that which is real, attending to the pain, feeling the unfelt, opening to the new, braving the challenge of coming in terms of all our unaccepted trepidations and all those ugliness that we could never learn to love and yet now just sitting with it and in the present of it, we are just allowed to do nothing but fall in love when we open in acceptance of all uncalled forth desires.

It is the call for creating the true flow of the wilderness, the creation, the creative and the created, all in imperfection and yet divine call of the one you have been waiting for. The you of you minus any rigors of the non denied aspects of you is waiting to meet you as the true master and reflection, what if your end road to call and the terminals of self mastery met with the surprising guru, the beloved and the lover, that you are of the cosmic wonder, right at the gateway where you would meet your denied pleasures 1st? What if you tried and saw the answers. At least you will be surprised how deep you would be exploring all the unchartered territories of you and found out there were real selves to you that no word or feeling or expansive universes could unfold or explain? What if you found for real that the real truth for the x or y or z feelings or conditions or came in direct living skin and bones and wound and flesh to the rawness of your depth, to the real origin of you that no other could explain or see or sense or bring any aspect to. What if you are in the nude and in the becoming coming to terms with the real beauty and perfection of your imperfection and liberated all inhibitions to go out in the wilderness to create as source and nature truly intended you to play and discover your self shining your brimful god self out to the all? What if at the end of your denial, the tunnel and vortex, meeting of the darkness and your shadows, you came into the rawest experiencing of true light? What if you met you and saw the bedazzling reflection was of your own light and in the highest reflection of you knew and saw god and the god that you always have been?


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