Questions Answered: Upon the Twinflame Journey

Certain parts of the blog would be focused on questions and answers as I receive from others in my practice, in channeling, while working with those who are called forth to work with me as well as circles of friends around me who in different layers are sometimes my direct teachers and loves and sometimes such pure reflections. We all have things to learn from one another while it is important to bring out questions and answered dealt through in my practice and work for there is a lot that the outwards and those connected get helped through. There are also those questions I cannot happen to have the time to answer individually and through forums but must be directed as my guides tell me through a common landing so that they help more. Also I would sometimes be guided to share through a lot of the same themes coming up on and on, in my work, counselling, coaching and healing sessions. This is to help all and bring more of help in all directions. So this is how I shall keep foc...