Surrendering to the Overrun Denial Process

When on the pathway true surrender to your desire meets the call, it is the universe meeting at your feet in wilderness. You become the worshipper and the worshipped in true soul liberation and there could not be anything more worthy than to meet your highest self in the innate and longing humanness for that has been part of the call why we chose to be here. To experience the muck and the glory, to feel things, do and experience and be be. Surrender to desire usually is the long awaited soul liberating process of denial coming in works from layers and layers. Be it the historical, anthropological and all the pre pre notions, the aspects of the balancing of the divine feminine and masculine and all that talks of the schism of the two or how to bring that balance of the balance in healing, comes in meeting of all our denied and repressed selves. Usually a whole new vortex of liberation takes place. In the chakra energy body systems the energetic dimensions though all connected layer up...